Jay's Website is awkward (I'm being very polite)

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Jay's Website is awkward (I'm being very polite)

Am I the only one that thinks that trying to navigate the Jay Peak website is a pain in the ass???
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Re: Jay's Website is awkward (I'm being very polite)

The whole thing is in flash. I am not a fan.
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Re: Jay's Website is awkward (I'm being very polite)

I challenge people to just go on there and try to find a day lift ticket price.  There are all these drop down menus (which you better be steady with your mouse or you'll never manage to click on what you need....my laptop touch pad is a nightmare for this) but where are you supposed to find what you need?  I just tried again and trying to find the most basic info is impossible!  

For the record, I stopped in the middle of typing this post and tried and tried again and I still can't find simple day rates for Jay!  This is unreal, I can usually find or figure out anything on the web.........
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Re: Jay's Website is awkward (I'm being very polite)

The way the menus on their site work, is somewhat counter-intuitive to most user experiences.

When you hover the mouse over a menu option which has sub-options, the sub-menu appears to the right. In most user interfaces, this indicates that you need to make a selection from the sub-menu. In the case of Jay's site however, even though a sub-menu may appear, you can still click on the parent menu item itself.

To get lift ticket prices, first hover over the "Skiing & Riding" menu item from the main menu bar. Then hover over the "Rates & Hours" menu item from the sub-menu that appears, and then the "Lift Tickets" menu item from the next sub-menu. Even though a new sub-menu will appear next to "Life Tickets", click on the "Lift Tickets" menu item.

A section of the main window will then display ticket price information within a scrollable section, which is also an annoying user interface element.

Unfortunately, this is the trend in websites today ... glitz and flash over substance and usability.
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Re: Jay's Website is awkward (I'm being very polite)

the site is awful. i stopped going to it..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Jay's Website is awkward (I'm being very polite)

Thanks Face4me.  I finally was able to find what I needed with your info.  WOW, that is just plain dumb.  Makes you wonder if anyone ever actually tries this stuff out after someone designs it.
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Re: Jay's Website is awkward (I'm being very polite)

No one hates Flash-based websites more than me (Jay's included), but I don't get what was so hard about finding lift ticket prices.
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Re: Jay's Website is awkward (I'm being very polite)

Typically when clicking on drop down menus you continue choosing from the next set of drop downs until you get to what you want.  In this case you click on Skiing & Riding, then you click on Rates & Hours, then you click on Lift Tickets which opens up another set of drop down choices but at this point instead of choosing from the latest drop downs you suddenly have to click a second time on the Lift Tickets choice.  It's counter intuitive.  It's not like I'm new to computers or the web, in fact I was into it long before most people I know and I've visited many thousands of sites and this is one of the most poorly laid out sites that I've ever been on.  Like I said, what you have to do to find the info you need is counter intuitive especially given that they change the method of finding what you need halfway through the process.  Very simply this was poorly designed.
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Re: Jay's Website is awkward (I'm being very polite)

In reply to this post by JasonWx
JasonWx wrote
the site is awful. i stopped going to it..
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble