Jay tram on track for 2016-17 ski season

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Jay tram on track for 2016-17 ski season

Sounds like the tram will be running at Jay during the 2016-17 ski season.  The recent inspection went pretty well.  State officials agreed that the tram is in good enough shape to be used before the major upgrades that will take at least a year to complete.


"Inspectors conducted a successful load test designed to ensure that all of the conveyance’s electrical, hauling and braking systems can function normally under strenuous conditions. After passing the load test, resort personnel successfully completed and passed an evacuation drill. The team also inspected the tram’s towers and its bolting structures. All were found to be operating normally."

"The resort recently signed a $5 million contract with the Doppelmayr/Garaventa Group to conduct custom upgrades to the tram, but that work isn’t scheduled to begin until the spring of 2017 and is not required for operations this summer or for the coming winter."
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Re: Jay tram on track for 2016-17 ski season

Kind of funny how they previously grounded it, but now it's OK. Must be now it's OK if they aren't overloading it
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Re: Jay tram on track for 2016-17 ski season

Wonder if they did any tests differently than the last inspection.
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Re: Jay tram on track for 2016-17 ski season

So for $5M they can upgrade it.  What would it cost to put in a Gondi which would so much better than a Tram.  Guessing Sno has an answer
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Re: Jay tram on track for 2016-17 ski season

Mount Snow's Bluebird Express was 8.5 million.  It's basically a skis on gondola, and is about the same length as the Jay Peak Tram, but doesn't cover as much vertical, and follows a relatively simple route, not scaling any cliffs or extremely steep grades.  I'm guessing a gondola on the Jay Peak Tram line would be about 9-10 million.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Jay tram on track for 2016-17 ski season

It might make more sense to upgrade the Bonnie to a HSQ and put in a short tram that would have no towers like the one at SnowBasin

Or even cheaper just put in a service lift from somewhere over near the top of the Flyer
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Re: Jay tram on track for 2016-17 ski season

MC2 5678F589
Coach Z wrote
Or even cheaper just put in a service lift from somewhere over near the top of the Flyer
Or even cheaper to just advertise the incredible hike-to terrain accessible above the Freezer.

I wonder if it's plausible to put a lift starting from over near where Andre's/Beyond lets out (on that flat section) and finishing on top. That would tie into their expansion plans, it would enable people to reach the top, it would continue to preserve snow (because it takes some doing to get back to that area), and it would eliminate having to take that annoying flat run out every time I ski trees over there.
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Re: Jay tram on track for 2016-17 ski season

mattchuck2 wrote
Or even cheaper to just advertise the incredible hike-to terrain accessible above the Freezer.

I wonder if it's plausible to put a lift starting from over near where Andre's/Beyond lets out (on that flat section) and finishing on top. That would tie into their expansion plans, it would enable people to reach the top, it would continue to preserve snow (because it takes some doing to get back to that area), and it would eliminate having to take that annoying flat run out every time I ski trees over there.
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Re: Jay tram on track for 2016-17 ski season

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
This makes sense to me but it's been almost 25 years since I skied there.

You guys might want to stay clear of that tram on the real windy days.
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Re: Jay tram on track for 2016-17 ski season

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589


There is an old lift line on the way down to Beaver Pond glade that I assume was for a t bar or Poma at some point
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Re: Jay tram on track for 2016-17 ski season

Coach Z wrote


There is an old lift line on the way down to Beaver Pond glade that I assume was for a t bar or Poma at some point
That's a great little bump run at times