Sounds awesome Camp , love those kinds of blowouts !!
Back in the day we used to have an end of college year DROP DEAD party that lasted 24 hrs , kinda similar . About 50 / 60 or so couples ,. ONE year one we sent 3 guys to the hospital ER with sliced open hands .
One dude was quietly sleeping on a huge floaty in an above ground pool ,when several of his "buddies " decided well lets just all get in the damn pool quietly and DP the sum bitch and let him deal with that in front of all these chickitas
. Seemed like a good idea at the time and one fueled Pabdt Blue Ribbon Courage
Well when it happened everybody rushed up and down the damn pool ladder and three slipped and sliced their hands open between the thumb and first finger .So off to the ER with our beers in hand
Then later on another. Dude broke both thumbs in a "touch " er imean shove their ass into the ground game of football. so off to the Same ER with both thembs wrapped in ice . The look on the er nurses face said it all ..."what the hell kinda party are you animals having "" says she .
Ahhhh the good ole days , 24 hrs o steak chicken , ribs ,salads , beer , beer beer , loud brain bleedin music and mondo ball bustin . Games , Good times baby !! Needless to say that was EARLY in my career later on the parties were always fun a great time BUT not as outrageous bwaaahahahah
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.