Killington the Beast (1997)

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Killington the Beast (1997)

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I had a backchannel convo with Funky Polack about the history of Killington, it beastification and subsequent (alleged) de-beastification.  He told be that he believed that 1997 was the longest season at Kmart, or at least had the latest ending: June 21.  He sent me this link to a video made on the mountain that year.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Killington the Beast (1997)

Gunny J
No leaves on any trees does not look like June
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!
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Re: Killington the Beast (1997)

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Good point.  (Looking back at Funky's email be never actual said the vid was from June.)  Still a cool video with some nice dead.  Was wondering if it was made with actual film.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Killington the Beast (1997)

Benny Profane
Yeah, I played golf there in June one time. There was a teeny weeny patch up on Superstar, otherwise, everything else was green and the bugs were in full force.
funny like a clown
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Re: Killington the Beast (1997)

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Here is early April weekend before they closed.   Awesome snow.  

Sorry, finally figured out how to do this....only read the directions 100 times...then I acutally followed them.  DUH.
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Re: Killington the Beast (1997)

Oh, no. But when you had to respect things, LOL.

Looks like green on the trees in the last segment. Nice walking from the snow to the lift, BEASTLY!
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Re: Killington the Beast (1997)

They are all wearing jackets in the funky video, definitely not from June.  But, any video with an Eyes of the World soundtrack is good in my book!
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Re: Killington the Beast (1997)

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Re: Killington the Beast (1997)

Funky Polak
In reply to this post by Harvey
Not my video, damn, I wasn't even skiing back then. It's a friend's video, if he states June 21, I believe him.