Lake Placid Ski Jumping.

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Lake Placid Ski Jumping.

Dog Days of Summer, what to do?   Go jumping, of course.    

Headed up to NC last week.   Very nice time, lots of bonfires, hiking, canoeing and, unfortunately, house work.   I brought 7 guests with me on this trip, took them rafting which was their favorite part of their first trip to the ADKs.     I needed some alone time with my son, so we trekked off up to Lake Placid's Jump Center.  After hauling up the boots, skis, helmets and gear---we were doing this.     Will be doing it again; to ensure it, I left all of our stuff hanging to dry in the garage.    

There were several groups at the pool for training. This time, however I did not see any visitors from foreign teams as I had in the past.   A group of women (maybe the woman's team?) began training as we ended our day.  From what I gather, there were two camps of slope style kids.   Not sure what the difference between slope style and freestyle is, but the kids all corrected this old man each time I made the faux pas.  

My son (10yo, Lange) and I made an appointment with the local trainer Keith for an all day session which includes ramp to pool, video, tramp training, lunch then repeat.     When we arrived and I finally got cell service, I learned that Keith was no longer available to assist.   He and the pool safety manager went out of their way and hooked me up with JP, a NYSEF slope style coach....amazing personality and instructor, great with kids.  NYSEF graciously accepted us.   Noting we both had USSA credentials, which is required.    

I have done this jumping/tramps several times before with PSIA (highly recommended if you are a member) and wanted my son to experience the thrill of pool jumping, while learning.  

After the paperwork, JP sly talked his way into learning our goals for the day...Mine was a clean 360.  I can do one easily on the ground but the second I go air bourn, I cannot get past 270, which is obviously bad on skis and snow.   Lange confidently advised he wanted to do the 3rd ramp (second largest) and own a back flip.    JP agreed to the back flip while cleanly dismissing the second ramp advising it takes 4 years of constant training before he allows jumpers to attempt--you must own your skills.  

While the pool water was warm--maybe 73,  we wore our shorty's for impact protection.   Temps rose to about 80 degrees.  Many of the kids who were not wearing neoprene were visibly shaking from being cold by the end of the day--that earned me a "glad I listened to you Dad..."  

I will post picks of us, when I obtain some.  My camera was stowed.  

As for JP's coaching:  I feel much better about 360's while in the air.   I hope to do this several more days this summer.   If so, I feel confident I can take that to the snow and pop some off moguls--my goal.   My son owns a back flip on the tramp.  JP would not allow it on the ramp this go around.   Lange did wing a front flip (harder in my view) getting about 3/4 around, stalling from either fear or the unknown.   I'd bet he would have nailed it if given another jump.    The camp kids were supportive, especially since his attempt was made with only 2 hours on the ramps, compared to their days/weeks.    Must say that all the kids were respectful of each other, supportive and encouraging.    It was cool to see.   Age range of the kids I was training with...10 (minimum age) to 16?   Did not see anyone under 17 attempting jump 2 or 3.   If you have not seen someone go off these kickers live, you must.   Better yet, watch them from pool surface level as they are 50+ feet over you flipping and twisting; amazing.    

The bus and car loads of tourists encouraged us jumpers, everyone seemed to get a clap and cheer now and again.      I had my own following receiving hoots of my trick attempts from some kid camp parents.   Apparently some folks chipped in and presented me with a bumper sticker.  OMC...Old man's club...I represent that remark.


Note freestyler off the right hand ramp---this is the one Lange set as attempting day 1.  

Tramp Training with JP.    It did not hurt that he is a big  O's fan, like us.    

The plastic fibers you slide on for ramps 2 and 3.    The ramp we were on had much finer fibers.   This is no fall zone, no kidding.  

JP showing Lange the height of ramp 2.   We both have been on jumps this big, but not with this much kick!

In the ACR lands thread we were talking about capital improvements.    They just installed a really nice stamped concrete deck at the long jump area, from which we observed several men training.  While I have seen this 10 times before, I just realized how short the deceleration zone is.  The jumpers were sliding maybe 75yards on wet grass--scary.

This training is very safe and recommended for those with USSA Creds.    Watch out, you or your kids may be recruited to join slopestyle teams and you could be hooked like me.     Season pass anyone?
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Re: Lake Placid Ski Jumping.

Cool Parent award!
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: Lake Placid Ski Jumping.

Peter Minde
Excellent story.

@ Harv this merits a blog piece of its own.
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Re: Lake Placid Ski Jumping.

Great to do this with the young'n. I saw this about 10 years ago - I also went up the jump towers then. They have the air pillow jump in winter, probably would be good to give that a try as it is on snow.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Lake Placid Ski Jumping.

Banned User
In reply to this post by Peter Minde
Peter Minde wrote
Excellent story.

@ Harv this merits a blog piece of its own.