Least Crowded Lift Served Skiing Experience?

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Least Crowded Lift Served Skiing Experience?

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I remember a Friday night at Mount Peter in the 12-13 season.  It was r*ining earlier that night, so not many people came out.  However, they had some school groups there, so they decided to stay open for full hours which back then they were open till 10pm on Friday nights.  Now that has been cut back to 9pm most likely because this always happened.  On my last few runs, I was the ONLY PERSON ON THE ENTIRE MOUNTAIN.  They still kept the lift spinning just for me.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Least Crowded Lift Served Skiing Experience?

I'm assuming you are talking EC.

Longest line at Plattekill I ever waited in was 10 deep. 50% of lines are three skiers or less. Another 30% have no one in front.

Hickory second.  You can get 10 people in front of you and it can take a few minutes since each lift is a single.

Gore has minimal lines for a mountain that does 150-200k skier visits.  Gondi is the only line on most days.  Like Matt, I've also be lucky to be caught up top when the Gondi went down.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Least Crowded Lift Served Skiing Experience?

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I'm a Gore midweek skier... we almost always have the hill to myself.  I have had Burnt ridge to ourselves.  Pretty common for only one or two couples in the darkside.  Most of the time I'm there the lifty has to come out of the shack to grab the chair.    
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Re: Least Crowded Lift Served Skiing Experience?

Footer wrote
I'm a Gore midweek skier... we almost always have the hill to myself.  I have had Burnt ridge to myself.  Pretty common for only one or two couples in the darkside.  Most of the time I'm there the lifty has to come out of the shack to grab the chair.
That's the way skiing should be. The carnival like six flaggs type skiing that takes places at most big ec resorts is a complete joke.
14-15 Season:

11-22 Snow Ridge (opening day 35")          1-7 Snow Ridge (10")
11-28 Grand targhee                                  1-8 Telluride(12 inches)
11-30 jackson hole(10 inches)                      1-9 Whistler(12 inches)
                                                                  1-11 mt bactchelor(20 inches)
12-7 Vail(15 inches)                                      1-12 Mt baker(30 inches
12-10 Whistler(20 inches)
12-12 Whistler helisking(bottomless)
12-14 Big Sky(27 inches)
12-15 Mammoth(24 inches)
12-18 Kirkwood(50 inches)
12-21 Alta(37 inches)
12-22 Grand targhee(40 inches)
12-26 jackson hole(26 inches)
12-28 Chugatch backcountry(bottomless powder)
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Re: Least Crowded Lift Served Skiing Experience?

Banned User
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In reply to this post by Footer
Footer wrote
I'm a Gore midweek skier... we almost always have the hill to myself.  I have had Burnt ridge to myself.  Pretty common for only one or two couples in the darkside.  Most of the time I'm there the lifty has to come out of the shack to grab the chair.
Same here. It's great. Mega time on the snow.
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Re: Least Crowded Lift Served Skiing Experience?

Gunny J
In reply to this post by snoloco
 I"ve  had my own private ski club the last three weekends, only a few skiers riders on the hill and patrollers and instructors training. Now I am prepared for the Holiday masses, but hey they pay the bill and will let me ski uncrowded slopes again in the month of March!
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!
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Re: Least Crowded Lift Served Skiing Experience?

Nice thread idea Sno - thanks for posting it, brings back a lot of good memories.

About 10 years ago a client tossed me the keys to his house in Winterpark, a cross between something you'd see in architectural digest and ski magazine. It was this time of year, just before Christmas. I spend the weekend hiking Berthoud Pass and the altitude was getting to me so on Monday I decided to ski Winterpark. Sunday night about 6" of snow had fallen around the house, I got to Winterpark and rode the Zephyr up - the crowd was light and I was maybe 3rd chair. At the top that 6" was well over a foot. I high tailed it over to the Pioneer where I figured there would be few if any skiers and I could have endless first tracks in what was a good foot of light pow. When I got there the lift wasn't running and I thought - shit, I am stuck in this hole with all this pow and with my alpine rig so it would be a bitch to hike out. After about 5 minutes of what seemed like an hour they had the lift running, I was the only rider and up I went. I had that whole area to myself. Farmer Dave time - track after track after endless track. No one showed up until about 11:30AM when two other guys came in. There was still plenty of untracked for them though - I don't know how many runs I got but I still left them plenty because keeping a tight line in that terrain is easy, particularly with that amount of snow. I took a few more passes at it, and then went back for lunch and a cup of coffee. I was getting a little tired so I decided to go to Iron horse, I slow fixed grip lift. Holly shit! - no one had been on it either, the masses were on the popular lifts so again, untracked. I may not have owned the mountain that day but there is no disputing that I owned the sections I was skiing. It was an  epic day.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Least Crowded Lift Served Skiing Experience?

Has to be Magic.  

I've had so many days where the snow was fantastic, the trails count was high and you skied onto the lift all day it isn't even funny.  Heck, even on the few occasions where there was a wait, you're still essentially skiing down by yourself.  

"If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise." -Robert Fritz
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Re: Least Crowded Lift Served Skiing Experience?

I skied Magic on a Monday when they were open Friday to Monday back in 2010. When we pulled in we weren't sure they were even open but then we saw the chair spinning. We didn't even see another skier until we were half way up the Red Chair. Conditions were great and it was like a private ski area.
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Re: Least Crowded Lift Served Skiing Experience?

I'm thinking Gore summit chairs this wednesday (Christmas Eve) around 230p will probably set some records...