Lift Grease

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Lift Grease

Any of you guys have any good secrets on how to get lift grease out of your jacket?
Ski the East
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Re: Lift Grease

Wear camo
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Re: Lift Grease

Don't sit in the middle under the cable on a warm day - espeically in the fall when the lift was recently greased.  I ruined a brand new jacket this fall that way the 1st day i wore it

it does not come out - pick a dark color
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Lift Grease

I got hit a few weeks ago.  My jacket is BRIGHT yellow... so it showed up.  It was a wetter grease.  Brought my jacket home and soaked it with shout advanced.  I left it sit for 12 hours then washed it.  It all came out.  
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Re: Lift Grease

That will make your goretex into a sponge

Never ever wash goretex in anything but Tek wash

I'd rather live with a spotted coat
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Lift Grease

In reply to this post by Chatiemac
Chatiemac wrote
Any of you guys have any good secrets on how to get lift grease out of your jacket?
Try cross country.
