Lookout Whiteface...Here we come!!!

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Lookout Whiteface...Here we come!!!

Darkside Shaman
Hey Scotty Jack, Pants, HPD, and anyone else, there is a contingent of Gore locals headed to your place tomorrow. Ski you tomorrow
Gotta go to know
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Re: Lookout Whiteface...Here we come!!!

+1.  See you there:)
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Re: Lookout Whiteface...Here we come!!!

In reply to this post by Darkside Shaman
Darkside Shaman wrote
Hey Scotty Jack, Pants, HPD, and anyone else, there is a contingent of Gore locals headed to your place tomorrow. Ski you tomorrow
I'll be there...orange jacket,  I'll be with a guy in a blue jacket...both sportin Nordica gear. The skiing has been crazy good. If you think you see us give a shout.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Lookout Whiteface...Here we come!!!

HPD you still have POC goggles?  What color helmet?  I'll be blue head to toe including my 10 year old x-screams.  Hope to catch up with some of you guys.  I'll be solo.
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Re: Lookout Whiteface...Here we come!!!

In reply to this post by Darkside Shaman
Darkside Shaman wrote
Hey Scotty Jack, Pants, HPD, and anyone else, there is a contingent of Gore locals headed to your place tomorrow. Ski you tomorrow
working!  enjoy.  skiing will be good.
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Lookout Whiteface...Here we come!!!

Darkside Shaman
Yes Scotty you were correct it was very good today! The sun was out and the snow was soft, can't ask for a better day of Rippin' spring corn!!!
Gotta go to know
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Re: Lookout Whiteface...Here we come!!!

guess they didnt knock you guys over like they did matt
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