Lost Bootpack at Gore

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Lost Bootpack at Gore

After an awesome day on the slopes, we could not find one of our bags, a Dakine bootpack, anywhere in the base lodge at Gore on Sunday afternoon. We left our information with the help desk and fortunately we got a call on Tuesday and they had found our bag.  The problem is that they cannot ship it, and we will probably not be back to Gore in the coming weeks.  Hopefully we will get back before the end of the season.  

Is anyone from NJ going to be at Gore sometime soon that would be able to pick up the bag for us?  We live in Bergen county, but it is not a problem for us drive a bit to pick the bag up if someone were able to bring it home with them.

It is not urgent to get the bag back, but it would be appreciated if someone was in fact able to help out.

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Re: Lost Bootpack at Gore

We are coming back to NJ on Monday.  We will be coming down I-287 around 1PM most likely.  I realize it may be inconvenient for you, but we're off for President's Day.  
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Re: Lost Bootpack at Gore

In reply to this post by k123
Note to all: if you'd rather not post your email address online click on K123's avatar and you will see a link to email him.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Lost Bootpack at Gore

In reply to this post by k123
Anyone on this forum can go pick up the bag and ship it FedEx or UPS right to your house.  If the bag is still there this weekend I’ll be happy to do it for you.  Let me know.
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Re: Lost Bootpack at Gore

outlaw 1
sorry for your loss,but this seems too b happening more and more,my friend went thru the same thing,bag went missing,was found later and turned in,he got it back and lucky he had nothing in it,but they did take his shoes,had too drive home in socks..so we best watch our stuff..seems too b a weekend thing,and not saying there related,just saying
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Re: Lost Bootpack at Gore

In reply to this post by telerider
telerider wrote
We are coming back to NJ on Monday.  We will be coming down I-287 around 1PM most likely.  I realize it may be inconvenient for you, but we're off for President's Day.
That might work. I will send you an email if I know for sure that I'm going to be around.

Thank you.
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Re: Lost Bootpack at Gore

In reply to this post by outlaw 1
outlaw 1 wrote
sorry for your loss,but this seems too b happening more and more,my friend went thru the same thing,bag went missing,was found later and turned in,he got it back and lucky he had nothing in it,but they did take his shoes,had too drive home in socks..so we best watch our stuff..seems too b a weekend thing,and not saying there related,just saying
I'll definitely be putting a label on my bag from now on, and next time I will probably use a locker or bag check just to be safe.
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Re: Lost Bootpack at Gore

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by outlaw 1
outlaw 1 wrote
sorry for your loss,but this seems too b happening more and more,my friend went thru the same thing,bag went missing,was found later and turned in,he got it back and lucky he had nothing in it,but they did take his shoes,had too drive home in socks..so we best watch our stuff..seems too b a weekend thing,and not saying there related,just saying

Damn snowboarders.
funny like a clown
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Re: Lost Bootpack at Gore

Benny Profane wrote
outlaw 1 wrote
sorry for your loss,but this seems too b happening more and more,my friend went thru the same thing,bag went missing,was found later and turned in,he got it back and lucky he had nothing in it,but they did take his shoes,had too drive home in socks..so we best watch our stuff..seems too b a weekend thing,and not saying there related,just saying

Damn snowboarders.
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Re: Lost Bootpack at Gore

Thank you for the offers.  I was able to find somebody who is going to pick up the boot bag for us this weekend.