Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

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Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

Adk Jeff
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Do you wear a helmet when skiing at a resort?
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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

Big D
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I don't wear a helmet. Also, I hardly ever (almost never ski in the trees). Skied a glade with trees once, caught an edge an almost slammed into a solid tree. In my opinion anyone going off trail or skiing in the trees, should definately be wearing a good helmet.
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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

Been a brain bucket wearer for years.

I'd hate to someday wind up saying, "damn, I wish I been wearing a helmet."
It's funny how fallin' feels like flyin', even for a little while
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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

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In reply to this post by Big D
Big D wrote
I don't wear a helmet. Also, I hardly ever (almost never ski in the trees). Skied a glade with trees once, caught an edge an almost slammed into a solid tree. In my opinion anyone going off trail or skiing in the trees, should definately be wearing a good helmet.
You're more apt to sustain a head injury on the trails than purposely skiing in between the trees
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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

Banned User
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A PSA FYI.....

Since I got  my helmet...... A guy walking to the Gondi, slipped on the hard pack, swung his arms in a windmill fashion to get his balance and walloped my helmet with his ski pole. Another time at the Gondi unload, a guy had his skis stuck in the Gondi rack and was pulling very hard to get them out. When they released they flung up over his shoulder in one motion  and their edges came down real hard on my helmet. Big impact! No injury or pain. Thanks helmet!

A guy died at West Mtn 10 years or so ago when he fell and hit his head on the hard pack. He was only 43, a long time skier and was not going fast.

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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

In reply to this post by skimore
skimore wrote
You're more apt to sustain a head injury on the trails than purposely skiing in between the trees
+1 on high speed groomers being more dangerous than trees. I can't remember the last death in N.E. that resulted from a head injury in the woods but there are at least one or two every year from high speed groomer collisions with trees on the edge of the trail. Not to mention non-lethal impacts not related to skiing that others have mentioned (hitting head on hard pack, safety bars, etc.). As I recall, someone famous died in Quebec a few years ago due to a head injury from falling on a beginner trail...

I support any ski area that wants to institute this policy (likely gives them a premium discount on insurance) but I also support those that would prefer to ski without a helmet. I don't know how well helmets protect against death but I can testify to numerous impacts I've had over the years (mostly with safety bars being slammed down into my helmet but inconsiderate chairlift passengers) in which a helmet turns a harmful blow into a minor annoyance.
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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

In another recent scientific publication, Shealy and his colleagues found that the most common primary injury in ski and snowboarding fatalities is some sort of head injury – approximately 60 percent of ski fatalities involve a head injury. However, it is critical to place this into its proper context. “While some sort of head injury is usually the first listed cause of death, most of the fatalities also involve multiple, or secondary trauma sites; single causes of death are not common.” Most fatalities appear to occur under circumstances that are likely to exceed the protective capacity of current helmets designed for recreational snow sports. (Source - “Do Helmets Reduce Fatalities or merely Alter the Patterns of Death?” Shealy, J., Johnson, R., and Ettlinger, C., 2008)
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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

Banned User
skimore wrote
 Most fatalities appear to occur under circumstances that are likely to exceed the protective capacity of current helmets designed for recreational snow sports. (Source - “Do Helmets Reduce Fatalities or merely Alter the Patterns of Death?” Shealy, J., Johnson, R., and Ettlinger, C., 2008)
Ok, " Shealy, et al " BUT you use the terms " appear and likely " which indicate speculation. Also it doesn't reflect the many, many times when helmets do help the skier.

Their argument “ Do Helmets Reduce Fatalities or merely Alter the Patterns of Death?”  is like saying seatbelts don't save all lives. Neither do cancer treatments. Neither do car airbags.

Would the NFL players use his arguments to stop wearing helmets ?
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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

MC2 5678F589
There is kind of an interesting idea about going back to leather helmets in the NFL, so they can't use their heads as weapons anymore. Rugby players don't wear helmets, for instance.

At the risk of wading into another stupid helmet argument thread, I will say I agree with Steve. It's a private mountain, I support their decision to mandate helmets if they want. And I support people's right to make their own decisions about helmets.
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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

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I always wear a helmet, always have (except for my first few days skiing), and always will.  I do not want to end my season early due to a concussion.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

Gunny J
In reply to this post by Adk Jeff
  I almost always wear a helmet ,but in the Spring when the sun is shining and its warm out. I love to ski with just sunglasses on.  I hope most ski areas stay helmet optional.
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!
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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by Big D
Big D wrote
I don't wear a helmet. Also, I hardly ever (almost never ski in the trees). Skied a glade with trees once, caught an edge an almost slammed into a solid tree. In my opinion anyone going off trail or skiing in the trees, should definately be wearing a good helmet.

I ski trees all the time, or, as much as I can. My helmet definitely saved me from serious injury out west one time when I was alone out in the trees and didn't see that low branch coming. As it was, I was on my knees for a few minutes.

That said, two of the worst hits I have had on the slope have been just dicking around on green runs. One time, without a helmet, I really don't know what happened, but, a woman was standing over me, asking me if I was OK. Uh, yeah, sure I was, as she skied away, and then I started seeing double. Fortunately, a patrolman came by and saw that I was in distress. I made it down with him without a sled. We were near the bottom.
Second time was at Gore, and it was literally the first turn of the day on new ski edges. I side slammed to the hill and couldn't really think straight for the rest of the day, That time I was wearing a helmet. If not, I doubt I would have been conscious.
funny like a clown
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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

I wear a helmet

can't think of one good reason not too

2 main reasons i wear a helmet ----- tunes, and vents --- i would always sweat in a hat

all that said, i've only been wearing a helmet for 2 years

i wouldn't like someone telling me i had to wear one tho, that would piss me off.
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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

In reply to this post by Adk Jeff
I do not wear a helmet. I'm all for kids wearing them and mine do.

There was a 100% chance that I would never ski Powder Ridge, CT prior to them putting this rule in.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT


There was a 100% chance that I would never ski Powder Ridge, CT prior to them putting this rule in.
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Re: Mandatory helmets at Powder Ridge, CT

campgottagopee wrote

There was a 100% chance that I would never ski Powder Ridge, CT prior to them putting this rule in.
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.