March 1st-8th 2014--- Big Sky

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March 1st-8th 2014--- Big Sky

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lolkl---we'll see you then, seriously. I can't believe it but we're heading west to do some skiing, trip of a lifetime for me as I'm not a big travel guy. I really can't pass this up. Pretty pumped up about it. Guess my next knee surgery wil have to wait for another year

staying here (for free to boot)

lolkl---is that place as wicked cool as it seems???? do you know of it???

i know it's a year away, but still---we are gonna rock that place

funny thing about it is the entire trip is a fluke---the place---big sky---everything

buddy of ours owns a trucking outfit here in town. the company he buys all his trucks from just recently bought that place and asked him if he wanted to go stay there (he is their biggest client), so he said sure why not, then sent us an email that it's booked for the first week in march 14---WORD
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Re: March 1st-8th 2014--- Big Sky

That's great!
I have never been in that lodge but I know where it is. Looks wicked cool to me. Technically, it is ski in / ski out but you will be better off driving over to the base area. Ski in / ski out wipes out apres skiing.
I don't know what the ski conditions will be that week. I'd say powder/ packed powder. You can't pick a better week for any ski area vacation.
I will make sure to be free that week and show you guys a good time. Besides skiing, there are many cool activities to do around here. Sight seeing in Yellowstone Park is like a trip to the zoo. Fly fishing on the Gallatin River can be a blast if it's warm out. I have lots of extra equipment. Legally, there isn't much to shoot but we can talk about that later. I will give you the lowdown on food when it's time.
The azz clowns are threatening to come back next year so maybe...
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Re: March 1st-8th 2014--- Big Sky

Benny Profane
Big Sky is a great hill. Best selling point is no crowds. It's relatively hard to get to, with not a lot of beds at the base. I stayed over at Moonlight Basin in '07, and that's a hell of a hill, too, very much attached to Big Sky. Definitely get the combined ticket. Huge place to ski if you include the backcountry. If the Yellowstone club ever gets swallowed in, that will be probably the biggest ski area in America.

There's a couple of places nearby that serve game meat. If you're a committed carnivore, you will like it.
funny like a clown
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Re: March 1st-8th 2014--- Big Sky

In reply to this post by lolkl
Cool man, thanks for the info.

Yellowstone is a MUST for me--gotta see me some BIG game, real big game. Not these dinky, donky whitetail we chase around the woods. Hey, maybe we could blast a coyote (SJ will love that )

fly fishing, yellowstone, mountains, beer, big game, skiing...i'm in!!!

if the azzclowns make it too---just imagine.
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Re: March 1st-8th 2014--- Big Sky

Big sky is nutz....
Bridger is awesome too...

Kick some ass... We're all counting on you...  haha
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Re: March 1st-8th 2014--- Big Sky

Dictator and A2Z chutes... BOOM
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Re: March 1st-8th 2014--- Big Sky

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
I can see why you are excited. Big Sky is a great ski destination. Tons of terrain to explore, and lots of variety. The few days that I was there I didn't even need to visit Moonlight Basin because I felt there was plenty of great terrain at Big Sky to get to know. I even turned down an offer to ski at the Yellowstone Club by some YC employees that I made friends with. I was more than content with what BS offered. Of course, now I am regretting not taking them up on the offer. I hope they are working there next year because what they described sounded sweet!

Big Sky doesn't get tracked out too quickly in my experience because the crowds are non-existant. The only place you'll have to deal with crowds is at the tram which had a thirty minute wait the two times that I went up top. The wait was worth it, but not for much more than a run per day because that would have meant missing out on some valuable ski time.

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Re: March 1st-8th 2014--- Big Sky

Thanks for all the input and advise.

DMC--we will not dissapoint--haha

you should come up to WF next weekend
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Re: March 1st-8th 2014--- Big Sky

Oh im going out there next year.  Ill have to see if we can book the same week.   Montana will never be the same...ill shoot stuff as well.  the Big C is on my list.  I shoudl have done it last time I was there but I did not have enough underwears
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Re: March 1st-8th 2014--- Big Sky

Last time I was out there was 2001, it was my third time. Do Bridger bowl, it is a great town hill - I found the snow there to be fantastic. The Tram to the top of BS is great but as was said, too long a line and situated in a place where it is hard to do laps on it as I recall. You will enjoy.
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Re: March 1st-8th 2014--- Big Sky

Adk Jeff
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Heading to BS myself next week.  Psyched!
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Re: March 1st-8th 2014--- Big Sky

In reply to this post by tjf1967
tjf1967 wrote
Oh im going out there next year.  Ill have to see if we can book the same week.   Montana will never be the same...ill shoot stuff as well.  the Big C is on my list.  I shoudl have done it last time I was there but I did not have enough underwears
Doooooo IT!!!

We'll talk more next week but depending on how many you're bringing you guys could poss stay with sleeps 20 and can't imagine we'll have 20..... It's way early but you never know....what a party that would be
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Re: March 1st-8th 2014--- Big Sky

In reply to this post by Adk Jeff
Adk Jeff wrote
Heading to BS myself next week.  Psyched!
Enjoy!!!! I'll look forward to hearing about your trip.