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Mountain Adventure 2011/2012

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Mountain Adventure 2011/2012

Agh! Looks like Gore has killed the 10-week Mountain Adventure program for 2011/2012.  


Pretty disappointed--I always felt that the 6-week program was too short. And I sure as heck don't want to pony up another ~$375/kid to go to season long. I thought 10-week as $699 or so last year--is that right?

I was all set to grab my pass today until I noticed that change. May need to consider some other options. 
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Re: Gore Mountain Adventure 2011/2012

This is not a done deal yet.  There's some talk about allowing 6-weekers to add-on days. Not sure how that would work.

I'll see what I can find out, but you might want to reach out to ski school as well.  PM me if you need more.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Mountain Adventure 2011/2012

Full Season is the best deal, especially for older kids, since it includes season pass
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Re: Gore Mountain Adventure 2011/2012

Full season is a much better deal than the 10-week program, especially since you get Saturdays, Sundays and the season pass.  I could see the appeal of the 10 week program if you live locally and have no intention of having your kid ski outside the program, but if you plan on being at Gore for the vacation weeks, you'll need a season pass for your child anyway.
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Re: Gore Mountain Adventure 2011/2012

Adk Jeff
I've always done the 6-week half day program for my son Daniel, who is now 7.  This winter will be his 3rd yr in mtn adv.  But it is also the first year I will have to pay for a pass for him, 6 and under had been free.  I never really considered the full season program, but maybe I should.
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Re: Gore Mountain Adventure 2011/2012

This post was updated on Jun 12, 2011; 2:06am.
Jeff, I can recommend Full Season program without any reservations.
My son is now 9 and been skiing in this program for 2 seasons.

Older kids (6 and up) start and end day at their trailer located near bottom of Jibland. It helps to avoid Northwood lodge crowds. This year they had 3 instructors with 2 to 6 kids per instructor. These are very experienced and great coaches Mark, Stephan and Tim (not on the picture):

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Re: Gore Mountain Adventure 2011/2012

Mountain adventure used to be for kids from 4 to 12. Next season "ages 4-5 will be grouped into their own program, with specialized features best suited for them." without any details.

Harvey, let us know if you have any details on program for 5-year old kids (My daughter was in full season program this past season)
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Re: Mountain Adventure 2011/2012

In reply to this post by SIAWOL
Both of my kids are in the 6 and under category, so the season pass is useless to us this year.

We found 10 weeks to be perfect. Logistically, we only get 1 weekend ski day/week. We don't live quite close enough to warrant a 2/day weekend, but too close to justify a winter place up there...
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Re: Gore Mountain Adventure 2011/2012

From Gore Ski School....

“Harvey, thanks for your interest in, and support of Mountain Adventure.

The six-week and the full season plans have been extremely popular. We had fewer customers buying the ten-week plan.   We’re currently looking for a way to accommodate people who want more than 6 weeks but not the full season. We’re considering a system where you could buy a six-week program and add on days at a cost per day that is comparable to the ten-week plan.

The season-long program continues to grow each year.  This year, we’re putting in a building in place of the trailer.  So the season-long kids will now have a more permanent ‘Clubhouse’ log cabin to meet and store their gear.

With regard to the 4 and 5 year olds — we think it’s crucial to keep children that age together, and not mix them in with older kids. It’s better for everyone, both teachers and students. This has always been our goal, we want to make it more official with a separate program.

We haven’t finalized plans for the program yet. We should have a final plan in place by the end of July. I’ll get in touch when we know more.”
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Mountain Adventure 2011/2012

Not a thread hijack but in the line of changes,  found out that Gore will no longer offer Nastar.   Harv not sure if you are compiling a list of questions, the mountain mentioned they will be offering some type of recreational racing in place of Nastar.

I get it that Nastar does not make money, actually a money loser, just curious on the future plans of a program run by ski school.   Hearing some positive changes at our mountain (decks, snowmaking) so not a compliant; rather an inquiry.  Just hoping this type of draw for young kids into the racing world (and for the type A 40 year olds) continues in some format this upcoming season.    Many have gone from Nastar into NYSEF and USSA racing.
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Re: Gore Mountain Adventure 2011/2012

Hoser wrote
Not a thread hijack but in the line of changes,  found out that Gore will no longer offer Nastar.   Harv not sure if you are compiling a list of questions, the mountain mentioned they will be offering some type of recreational racing in place of Nastar.
Gore isn't offering NASTAR this season, but will be offering a Gore Recreational Race Program, much like NASTAR.

Hope to know more by later in the summer. Will pass on what we get.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Mountain Adventure 2011/2012


Looks lIke Mtn. Adventure details released (below). What was the cost of the 6 week and 10 week all day last season? Anybody remember? We've usually done the 10 week all day---with the 6 week+4 add ons it'll be $822/kid----which seems like a good jump over last season....

6 Week Program
Saturdays, Jan 7, 2012 - Feb 11, 2012
OR Sundays, Jan 8, 2012 - Feb 12, 2012

Morning only - $395, $450 after 11/15/11
Morning only w/ rental - $551, $605 after 11/15/11
All-day - $560, $640 after 11/15/11
All-day w/ rental - $715, $795 after 11/15/11

Add on up to 4 weeks
Morning only - $56 each day, $165 for all 4 days
All-day - $82 each day, $262 for all 4 day

Season Long Program
Saturday, Dec 10, 2011 - Sunday, Mar 25, 2012
Saturdays & Sundays, excluding Dec 24-25, 2011 & Feb 18-19, 2012

Morning only - $845, $920 after 11/15/11
All-day - $1080, $1190 after 11/15/11
(season-long all-day program includes full season pass)

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Re: Gore Mountain Adventure 2011/2012

ausable skier
WF dropped Nastar two season ago.  ORDA is making a huge mistake by taking recreational racing off the mountain.  They are putting the budget into the stupid terrian parks

In nastar's place you will likely get a much less fun brush gate course
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Re: Gore Mountain Adventure 2011/2012

In reply to this post by SIAWOL
I can't remember if we paid $349 or $399 for 6-week half-day MTAdv last year.

Unfortunately for us, I don't think I can sell Zelda on the driving this year.

Hoping to do Christmas Holiday Camp (anybody have any experience with that?) and I'm sure we'll buy some one-off lessons.

Thanks for the info SIAWOL, especially on the early discount deadline.  Probably will make one last attempt to sell it.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Mountain Adventure 2011/2012

My kids did the holiday camp quite a few years ago. It wasn't well organized at that time. My daughter who was skiing trails like hawkeye and chetimac was put into a grout with some kids who struggled on sunway. They fixed if the following day, but one out of three days was wasted. I would think that it is better organized now, so my experience may not be applicable.

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Re: Gore Mountain Adventure 2011/2012

This post was updated on Oct 27, 2011; 8:18pm.
A bit more info on the Mtn. Adventure add on weeks----I had asked when the add on weeks would begin: president's weekend or the following week. Gail's response:

Yes, it will pick up Feb 25-26, omitting the Presidents week.
So to add the 4 days ( to make it a 10 week program ) the add-on dates would be
All Saturdays ( if that is what your 6 wk program was)  Feb 25, Mar3, Mar 10, Mar 17
Or, all Sundays ( if that was your 6 wk day)  Feb 26, Mar 4,11,18

The add-on dates are a ‘fixed cost’ so you can add them on now or later once the season gets going.  There remains, however, an early rate by Nov 15 for 6 wk, and then the late rate if purchasing on or after Nov 16.

As usual, a quick and thorough response from Gail!