Mountain Photo ID Question

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Mountain Photo ID Question

Hey guys,

I just bought an old NY Tourism photo off Ebay. The listing identified it as either Silver Bells or Oak Mountain, but I believe it to be Whiteface. The mountain is definitely in New York (because of the tourism sticker) and has big vertical. A companion photo was from Gore, but I don't think this is from Gore.

It looks like Little Whiteface below and right of the skier and the three runout trails to the midmountain in the center. I'd love some opinions.

I've tried to find some comparable modern photos and came across these from Cloudspin:

Any thoughts?

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Re: Mountain Photo ID Question

It's Da' Face.  Pre-snowmaking, when we had Winters.  Check out the coverage.  The chair could be the Summit lift @ West.  What's the over/under on that?

Just sayin'.
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Re: Mountain Photo ID Question

It definitely looks like the summit lift at West. I wonder if it was moved from Whiteface.
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Re: Mountain Photo ID Question

In reply to this post by CUontheslopes131
I think you nailed it, WF.
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Re: Mountain Photo ID Question

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In reply to this post by CUontheslopes131
HAS to be WF right? Vertwise.

Awesome photo. Love that center bar lift.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Mountain Photo ID Question

Banned User
Ok,,,,, what trail ?