^ Of course I am. Much more a fan of MMM over Jacob at ERE, because he seems to appreciate good food, good beer, good weed and good times more than Jacob. I mean, I like lentil soup, but I don't want it all the time. And MMM's biking/badassery tilt speaks to me much more. I find it interesting and illuminating that there's a substantial crossover between ski forums/mountain bike forums/ and the MMM forum. That's the plan, but I have a "golden handcuff" thing going in my career that stretches the timeline a little. |
Yeah, same here. I wouldn't trade my kids for the world, but they are expensive. Petronio |
Maxing out ended for us on Lehman weekend in 2008. Still saving but not nearly as much. To do it now, we'd have to give up skiing or god forbid I'd have to work in NYC. Just can't do either of those.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
If we had sold our kids while they still had value (cute and cuddly) then we could have accelerated our retirement timeline. Just saying
In reply to this post by Petronio
Yep, the retirement timeline will shift considerably if I have to move $1000/month that I would otherwise be saving into paying for some day care place. Plus all the other expenses associated with kids. No kids now, but I don't know about the future. |
yea kids suck and are putting a crimp in my style - I tried to ditch mine at platty last weekend but some dirty hippy telemarker kept bringing the lil bastard back down to me
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In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Get a vasectomy. That takes the risk of "kid expense" off the table completely. ![]() |
In reply to this post by gorgonzola
Get your story straight -- it was Windham. ![]() |
In reply to this post by nepa
<quote author="nepa">
Yeah i had that after 2 kids...only thing it save me was about 10$ worth of condoms... my kids will be off the payroll in 2 to 4 years..i hope
"Peace and Love"
In reply to this post by gorgonzola
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In reply to this post by sig
Wanna buy a pair? |
In reply to this post by JasonWx
I apologize... this is some serious thread drift. Got mine done (at my wife's request) before we had any kids. I could've gone either way with raising children. My wife, on the other hand, is a career woman. We were married a bit later in life (both in our mid 30's), and are enjoying a DINK lifestyle. We will both be retired by age 45. Obviously, when you have 2 incomes , the "no kid" savings plan shortens the retirement timeline considerably. |
My kids are my retirement plan. I am using every penny to guarantee they are wildly successful, then they can take care of me.
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In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Shit, with those requirements and that new Price Choppah, Warrensburg should be in the mix. ![]() |
In reply to this post by nepa
If I didn't have 2 kids in private colleges , the wife and I would retired too..
"Peace and Love"
In reply to this post by witch hobble
Haha, Chestertown might be a better fit. Tops, Dynamite Hill, and a weed farm(!): http://glensfallschronicle.com/peckham-vies-to-grow-medical-marijuana-in-chestertown/ But I'd like to think I could do a little better on the scenery front in Vermont or out West. Also, there aren't a lot of good singletrack MTB networks in the Exit 23-25 area. |
In reply to this post by gorgonzola
I ride with Crazy Horse!
the best thing about Vermont is the view of the Adirondacks, MC!!
cherish yours Camper - that was Rensselaer County pre 1990. more houses now than corn - and even worse them god awful big box stores.... When I miss farm country, I ride my road bike down to the Adirondack Coast and through the rolling fields of Willsboro, Essex and Westport. Lake Champlain to the east and the Adirondacks to the west. A mighty inspiring route. We've settled into a little town with a big mtn (greatest vertical real drop on da east). We can ride to single track and a short drive to skin to slides. Property is very affordable and taxes low. We often sit on the front porch and watch tourists make there way from the campgrounds to the Little Super Market. Saturdays in July are Canadian spandex day. 100s of tri-athletes training on our un-crowded roads. Hey, sometimes it's great scenery.... We don't have many amenities but there is an authentic Italian joint now, some great deli sandwiches at the Little Soup, a wood fire pizza joint on the way and we get all our veggies from a local farm! If you want something fancier to eat LP is 12 minute drive, Saratoga 1:15 and Burlington about 1:45.
I ride with Crazy Horse!
This post was updated on .
Completely agree with this. I lived there for four years. Part of what I did there in the summer was to take peeps hiking to the top of Mansfield on a weekly basis. The view of the Adirondacks from the top of that hill is amazing. Totally do, bro ![]() ![]() |
It is nice to see the Dacks from the top of the Greens but I would hardly consider that view amazing....