Mt Rose, NV 2/1/12

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Mt Rose, NV 2/1/12

We got 2" of new snow...woohoo! Nothing wrong with a little refreshening of the surfaces. The morning started with some clouds.
Rippa Sista

Two six pack lifts serve Mt Rose. I don't think there were more than 100 people there all day.

Groomers were in perfect condition.

Rochester Mark

Amy, Rochester Mark, Rippa Sista, Pam

We found where the snow blew into the woods

The north-facing Chutes looked really sweet, but alas, they were not open.

Mt Rose is a really sweet mountain and has some stellar mid-week deals. Two for Tuesday (two people ski for $69) and on Wednesday, you can bring any lift ticket from another mountain and they give you a $35 lift ticket (that's what we did). We definitely got our $35 worth. I hope to visit Mt Rose when the Chutes are open and there is more snow.

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Re: Mt Rose, NV 2/1/12

Powderqueen wrote
Groomers were in perfect condition.
Come on Powderqueen admit it ... WAAAY better than you thought two weeks ago! Looks very good to me. Beautiful and fun. Say hi to the gang - tell Rochester Mark to get on the computer and share some stoke!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Mt Rose, NV 2/1/12

Indeed, it is better than skiing at home, and quite beautiful. Sunny beautiful weather is nice.

Our friends who ski here regularly keep saying "usually we ski this and usually we ski that, but..." and you look and what they are showing you is full of rocks and there's a closed sign in front of it.

While the skiing is very good, there is so much more fun that could be had with a better snowpack and powdery conditions. The terrain is fabulous at every place we've been to, but we are mostly skiing on old snow (a week old) so much of it that gets sun is crusty. We spend some time looking for north-facing and shady trees where the snow is manageable and chalky.

It is also really fun to ski a different place each day.
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Re: Mt Rose, NV 2/1/12

Rochester Mark
In reply to this post by Harvey
Harv, the snows low but the stoke is high! Once again PDQ has assembled a great crew and were having a great time. With the lack of snow were having to ski mostly groomers but they are rippers. The off trail is schetchy (my skis have the gouges to prove it) but the rocks add a nice twist. There are some super steep chutes that we can't get into because of low snow so I will be back some time when there's some more base. Funfun!
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Re: Mt Rose, NV 2/1/12

Thanks for the pictures and the reports. I last skied Tahoe in the early 1990s. I need to get back.