Mt van Hoevenberg: Untapped Commercial Value

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Re: Mt van Hoevenberg: Untapped Commercial Value

ausable skier wrote
snowwwwwwwwwwballs either your enter key is stuck or the forum has a technical glich - this is posted 3 times
Thanks for the heads up AS. I deleted the extras. If the forum is slow (usually happens when a software update is happening) and you hit "Post Message" ... give it a minute. Even though it looks like nothing is happening, most times you are posting a duplicate.  

We now resume our regular programming.  
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Mt van Hoevenberg: Untapped Commercial Value

Adk Jeff
In reply to this post by Snowballs
Snowballs wrote
Adk Jeff wrote
 I'd want hazard pay though for all the scrutinizing by the NY Ski Blog crowd. 
Pardon us, your Highness. It's called democracy..

Scrutiny of public employees is extremely legitimate regardless of how some feel to the contrary. There's hardly been anything near excessive here.
I agree, SB.  The hazard pay thing was a joke.

Snowballs wrote
I still think the depreciation charges by ORDA are a shell game, no matter what Jeff says. The State GRANTS money to ORDA for improvements AND to replace equipment so there's no real loss. ORDA then deducts "millions in depreciation" from real dollars.
We're in agreement here too.  That's why I said earlier that the focus on ORDA's loss EXCLUDING the depreciation charge is appropriate.

Snowballs wrote
Adk Jeff wrote
 SB, it's basically State benefits - retirement, health care etc.  Yes, it's a pretty rich benefits package, same as for any state worker, teacher, etc.
How do you know that ? I've seen some extremely lucrative retirement packages for Government heads.

Furthermore, the vast majority of private sector employees have no employer retirement as the Gov does. Private sector pays their 401, etc, sure there's some employer contribution, but it's nothing like what Gov employees get. Government employees don't pay Social Security fees either. Their private fund is paid for by the governement and it's fully funded.

Many of us will have to work to 70, while Gov employees will retire much, much earlier, some in their 40s with close to full pay and free/very cheap heathcare.

Many Gov employees can retire after a mere 20-25 years. Legislators get great pensions and retirement healthcare after a just few years, less than 10, plus " office " expenses.

Not excessive?
I know it's State benefits for ORDA workers because that's disclosed in the footnotes to the audited financial statements.  I am not aware of any special, extra retirement or other benefits provided to Blazer or anyone else at ORDA - if there were, it would have to be disclosed in those footnotes.

And we're in agreement that those benefits are a rich package, better than the majority of private sector employers, with little or no employee contributions.  The rich benefits provided to all State workers is a major issue for the state of NY.