My skiing is in the crapper

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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

Coach Z wrote
I recommend taking a lesson with Bill Fischer.  Tell him I sent ya.
Trust me, you won't regret it.  Made a huge difference in my skiing, and I'll be sure to see him at least once a year.

Another thing that was good for me with Bill is that we are the same age (mid 40s).  We grew up learning the same way.  Many of the 'mistakes' I was making harkened back to those old learned ways.  I didn't have bad habits, just very solid 'old technique'.  We could very much speak the same language to overcome that.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

Weebles wobble but they don't fall down.....repeat.    Because they have a wide bottom.     Save the close leges for tight trees and zipper bumps.    

KNOW---that as you widen even one inch--literally, you will feel like you have a basket ball between your legs.   You have built years of muscle memory.  It will take years again.   When you have your hands up 2 inches, you will think they are where you want them.   They have inches to go.  

Both feel so weird---weird is good.    It becomes the new good feeling.  

Most important, continue having fun.  
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

Try Snowboarding!
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

In reply to this post by JasonWx
JasonWx wrote
Hey all you instructors out there..I need help..My skiing has gone to shit..
I need to change my old ways .. by the way these were taken yesterday at Platt

I think you look great - just like Stein Erickson.

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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

One day they will name a lodge after me too
"Peace and Love"
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

 Coach Z do you know if Bill works on Monday?
I don't think I can get up there on Sunday.
"Peace and Love"
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

I'll check with Bill and get back to you
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

In reply to this post by JasonWx
JasonWx wrote
One day they will name a lodge after me too

The JasonWx Gully Washer Lodge
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

In reply to this post by JasonWx
Skis definitely wider. Basketball between the legs seems a little wide though. Can't fit much between Mike Rogan's legs in this photo sequence:
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

I love this thread. I never wanted to get rid of the Stein Erickson look, mainly because it took so long to master it, but it just doesn't play nice with wider skis with rocker. A ski buddy who's a former instructor told me it looked like I was falling asleep in the middle of my turns. I like the idea of signing up for an expert group lesson. Time for this old dog to learn new tricks.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

you could always just come and hang at the mid mountain lodge and grill with me....then we can widen that stance of yours and hit Skyward
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

In reply to this post by moguljunkie
moguljunkie wrote
Skis definitely wider. Basketball between the legs seems a little wide though. Can't fit much between Mike Rogan's legs in this photo sequence:
You don't want to actually have them that wide but to change this narrow stance you need to move to the opposite extrerme.  To Jason right now 3" apart will seem like a basketball.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

I was in the same boat, did a bunch of race clinics which really seemed to help - think "cowboy stance"! although better I'm still amazed when I see pics how close my stance still is - much wider in my mind. tough to teach old dogs new tricks....
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

I'm clueless about this stuff, but I did feel like when I went to fatter rockered skis it forced my feet apart.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

Z and Gorgi have it right...."think" basket ball.    Reality is tennis ball.    Your muscles have so much memory built in, one inch will seem like a foot.      Even today, after years, I might be rocking a groomer in the AM, I feel my legs are super wide---I am Ted  or Bode---, then I rerun the line and see my edges were a mear 12" apart.    OK if we are telling the truth ladies, 9"
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

In reply to this post by JasonWx
We expect a full report from today's life changing event!  
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

Do we know if he was able to hook up with Bill Fischer?  Any lesson with an expert instructor will be great, but Bill is top class.

A couple lessons with him changed my skiing significantly for the better.....and I was skiing very well, just not carving very well.  But the old dog, new tricks aspect is tough.

One thing I'm amazed at, with the old dog, new tricks aspect not in play, is how well my 13 yo is skiing after a day with Bill earlier this year.  He had good skills having come up through the Kids Kampus programs at WF, but watching him float and carve down the mountain this weekend, fluid at speed but under control, was amazing.  As he said, he feels like he is on a roller coaster, and skiing is much less effort (equals not as tired).

A great lesson may not be an epic life-changer , but it definitely can change your skiing life for the better.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

JTG4eva! wrote
Do we know if he was able to hook up with Bill Fischer?  Any lesson with an expert instructor will be great, but Bill is top class.
Jason is, as we speak, skiing with MattChuck at Gore -- stand by for updates!
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

Jamesdeluxe wrote
Jason is, as we speak, skiing with MattChuck at Gore -- stand by for updates!
He should do fine unless he uses the word "epic"
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: My skiing is in the crapper

This just in: