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I woke up to about an inch of snow at my place in Westchester.  Left for work and it turned to rain along the drive in the South Bronx.  It was rain all morning at the office but when I spoke to the wife she said it never changed and was snowing all day.  Go nothing done and left early...was home by 3 and in the woods before 4.  Had a great storm ski.  About 5" on the ground of a heavy wet snow.  But with the cooler temps, wind and heaver snow tonight this storm is coming down right side up and should ski beautifully tomorrow morning.  Need to cook dinner, wax the skis and drink a few bourbons now:

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Re: NEMO!!!

warp daddy
12 inches of blower pow down here now and still crankin
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: NEMO!!!

Sick Bird Rider
warp daddy wrote
12 inches of blower pow down here now and still crankin
Blower pow it is...

Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: NEMO!!!

In reply to this post by Marcski
We have about 4" of sloppy wet snow here in Long Island. Blizzard conditions are expected later.  Unfortunately my kids' school ski trip to Jiminy Peak tomorrow was canceled, and there's no way we were going to make the drive to North Creek today, so we are housebound this weekend.  At least I bought some sleds for the hill in our yard.  I hope everyone who gets to ski has a great time - I'm so jealous! Save some snow for me at Gore for when we come up next weekend!
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Re: NEMO!!!

What an awesome day today was!!!  I felt like Gilligan...went on a 3 hour tour in the woods.  I was on my backcountry XC setup and a couplebof buddies joined me on their snowshoes for about half of the time. We got about 14"...storm came in right side up...about a foot of powder over a wet 5" base.  I LOVE xc skiing.  Love the free heel feel...I was even doing some semi-tele turns on the steeper terrain.  What a great workout in beautiful weather.