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For a couple of years now I have had a weather station and a webcam at my house. The weather station is fun and putting it up on the internet so I can watch it from afar enhances it's fun factor. Apparently other's enjoy it as well since monthly hits that started at around 30 (me checking it) have shot up to as many as 800 a month at times. The associated webcam was an after thought and I didn't want to spend much time or money on, so it was cobbled together with shareware or freeware software and an $9 Russian made camera off Ebay.
A few weeks ago Harvey put the webcam on a list of available webcams on Harvey Road NYS Ski blog. Yesterday Harv contacted me about upgrading the webcam so he could at least see if it was the reflection of shiny leaves on the ground or a dusting of snow. Apparently for some, just knowing that it is daylight in Igerna was not enough, he wanted detail. After some negotiations, I replaced the webcam yesterday so Harvey can clearly see that there is no snow on the ground. At this point the webcam is set to only send static images every few minutes. With the new advantage of actually being able to see some detail, plans are in the works for a snow depth stake and streaming video to catch it when it snows, as well as catching my dog out on her run and anything else that may be wandering by. While it's unfortunate that Gore Mt. doesn't have a webcam, at least now there is one in the general area so those who cannot be there, can at least see the weather that is happening nearby. FYI My elevation is at about 1100 ft. Thanks to Harvey for the support and inspiration for this upgrade. More to follow... ![]() |
Harv and Keith,
The upgrade is great. It is very helpful for me since my Mom lives in Igerna. You are right there still is no snow! Fortunately, it has been cold so at least they can blow snow at the mountain. As much as I like Mike and Emily it is simply beyond comprehension why in 2010/2011 they do not have a webcam at the mountain. The first thing I do every day is check the Whiteface web cam. Unfortunately, it makes me realize that they have received a lot more of the natural stuff up there so far this season. |
In reply to this post by Adk Keith
That is SWEET. We got internet at the house in NC last year and I thought about putting one of these in the backyard. Problem is we rent our house out so I don't want people to get freaked out knowing big brother is watching. Plus I don't know if I WANT to know what people are doing in my backyard (or the rest of the house for that matter).
Thanks for the link and for upgrading the camera. I too don't understand why they don't have some webcams up. Maybe at this point in the season they don't want people to see lots of brown? I could see 5 locations at least. 1. Summit 2. Bear 3. Saddle 4. Base lodge 5. Ski bowl What if we all pitch in and send them a christmas gift? |
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Adk Keith is now on the payroll. Chief Info Officer. Keith - nice work and thanks for all your help on this. I want to create a webcam link list for NY state webcams. Currently we've got Hunter, Whiteface and the illustrious, aforementioned Igerna HermitCam: ![]() We also use Killington in the early/pre-season, and at other times when relevant. So... who else has a good webcam in NY State? Post your links and we'll create an easy access link list for all the cams.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Good suggestions all.
Let's consider this a work in progress. I want to be representative and as useful as possible... Greek Peak, maybe Holiday Valley. More ideas welcome. Right now we've put this list right underneath the promo for The Magazine: ![]() I wanted to get it up because we're at a crucial time, but I'm thinking we'll need to rework the homepage. Actually this creates space for another advertiser too. More on that later.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
This was posted above but here is the link I use for the lake george webcam: |
In reply to this post by Harvey
The Igerna Hermit cam is now streaming live video. Nothing to see, but it's there. On a day when NYC is digging out from under 20", this is a sad scene.
For the time being this precludes the static image on the Weather Underground site. I hope to soon have that back up as well. |
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Igerna HermitCam link has been updated on the Harvey Road homepage.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Calling Adk Kieth...
Trying to update links. Looks like this link will give me an instantaneous image from Hermitcam: and this link gives me a ... clip of a recent period of time: ? Having trouble getting the second link to work.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Well I've been playing around with the cam some, trying to improve the resolution and size. Unfortunately, it all comes down to upload speeds which on a DSL connection is pretty darn limiting. I have increased the size but it makes the upload pretty jerky. See here. And really doesn't make the picture clearer, just bigger.
I have not put up the snow stake yet. I want to wait until there is snow so you can't tell it starts at the 1 foot mark and not at 0. It's the quickest way to insure a snowy year. (Besides the Chamber of Commerce has paid me hansomely for this little white lie.) |
Whiteface mid-station webcam is back. (It's off at night).
Link is on the blog homepage.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Hello Everyone,
I'm a former New York skier living in Colorado now. I have a website that aggregates ski webcam images from all over with one page per state, and I just updated it with 8 more New York ski areas I hadn't found earlier. Please check it out and let me know if you have any suggestions. I have 37 cams currently. I with more NY nordic places would add cameras - anyone know of any other than Mt. Van Hoevenberg? ---Brian |
In reply to this post by Adk Keith
Updating our links. Adk Keith: Is the cam in action?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Plattekill is adding 3 webcams this winter for a total of 4 according to their website. Private enterprise somehow works better than government.
"No Falls=No Bslls
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It has nothing to do with govt as Whiteface has one. It is a local problem. At this point it is like a belligerent FU to those of us who spend money at Gore. |
Where are the links for webcams? Been having fun looking at all the webcams around NC/VA/WV but my first skiing will be NY after Thanksgiving.