NYSEF golf outing

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NYSEF golf outing

Anyone interested in playing in the Nysef golf outing June 10?  I need some partners if anyone is interested.  I'm a 6 HCP


The money goes to support the NYSEF alpine and nordic programs and is tax deductable

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NYSEF golf outing

Any golfers in NYSKI blogland interested in playing in the NYSEF tourny?

I'm looking for some partners

if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: NYSEF golf outing

MC2 5678F589
Mountain or Links course? Love the Links course... Mountain doesn't fit my game as well...

I might be interested... I need to check my calendar..
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Re: NYSEF golf outing

Oh the team the A18 Gang could put together
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Re: NYSEF golf outing

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
It's on the Mt course.  I am a member there and I like both courses but they are very different.

It is a fun tourney for a good cause.  There are some nice prizes such a really good seats for Red Sox and Yankee games, golf equipment etc
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Re: NYSEF golf outing

I am about to register and I noticed that for the $75 sign up fee you also get a free practice round on Saturday (after 2pm) which for non members of the LP Club this makes this a great deal

I'm signing up today and if you want to play ask to join my team. Price goes up to $95 after May 1
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time