NYT Article on Backcountry Skiing in New England

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NYT Article on Backcountry Skiing in New England

Very interesting read. As someone who doesn't know much about the New England ski industry, I had no idea the role the CCC played in developing some of the first trails up there.

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Re: NYT Article on Backcountry Skiing in New England

Great article - thanks for posting.
There is a lot of ski history in the woods all around us and a lot of BC terrain - if we could only get some more snow this year...
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Re: NYT Article on Backcountry Skiing in New England

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In reply to this post by njadk
The CCC was very active in NY too.

In our corner, they reforested stuff that had been clear cut and you can still find stands of (Lodgepole?) Pine in neat rows out in the forest preserve.

View from the cliffs, dark green in the middle left is the reforested "Old Farm Clearing:"


"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp