Need a Boot Cobbler for 3-Pin Vibram Leather Boots

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Need a Boot Cobbler for 3-Pin Vibram Leather Boots

Got some old Asolo Snowfields that I love, but they need some serious love in return. Any know a good cobbler for this?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Need a Boot Cobbler for 3-Pin Vibram Leather Boots

Telemark Dave
I'd head over to TTips if I were you Harv... There's still a die hard leather boot contingent there... Including more than a few from upstate NY and VT.  
BTW, I just scored a mint pair of leather Heirlings for my wife to use for schwacking ... $20!  Same model that I first started tele-ing in back in the early 80's... Talk about night and day diff in leather quality compared to the current crop of leather NNN-BC boots available now days.  Best thing about the old boots like your Snowfields is that they're Norwegian welt so they can be re-soled

"there is great chaos under heaven, and the situation is excellent" Disclaimer: Telemark Dave is a Hinterlandian. He is not from New York State, and in fact, doesn't even ski there very often. He is also obsessive-compulsive about Voile Charger BC's.
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Re: Need a Boot Cobbler for 3-Pin Vibram Leather Boots

Darkside Shaman
In reply to this post by Harvey
Harv try Merrill's Shoe Repair off of Exit 18 in Glens Falls. They are not affiliated with the brand Merrrell, it just happens to be their name, and they do excellent work/ Here is a link for them,
Gotta go to know
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Re: Need a Boot Cobbler for 3-Pin Vibram Leather Boots

Thanks all TD and DS.

Shaman this will work for me. I'll find the place when I'm passing through and hope to leave the boots and pick them up on another time through.

Really appreciate it.  Hope my Snowfields can be saved.

Also will make a note of it for the Mtn Business Directory next summer.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Need a Boot Cobbler for 3-Pin Vibram Leather Boots

outlaw 1
just down the road is lox of bageles,best in town, gotta try em.less than a mile ot the northway,heading towards gf
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Re: Need a Boot Cobbler for 3-Pin Vibram Leather Boots

Adk Keith
When my old leathers needed a new sole I sent them to Dave the Cobbler. Specializes in leather outdoor boots.
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Re: Need a Boot Cobbler for 3-Pin Vibram Leather Boots

Not local (unless you live in Colorado!) but these folks did a bang-up job re-soling my son's plastic tele boots (Scarpa T2s):  and it was easy enough to ship them out. "Authorized repair shop" (ie they do warranty  work?) for Asolo, Tecnica, Scarpa, Merrell, etc.
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Re: Need a Boot Cobbler for 3-Pin Vibram Leather Boots

This post was updated on .
Ts... did those T2s fail prematurely?

Mine did.

They were fixed by Dave the Cobbler.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Need a Boot Cobbler for 3-Pin Vibram Leather Boots

I had Dave the Cobbler resole my Asolos a couple of years ago. He did  a great job. They came back in beautiful shape.  I hope to get many more years out of the boots.
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Re: Need a Boot Cobbler for 3-Pin Vibram Leather Boots

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
Ts... did those T2s fail prematurely?

Mine did.

They were fixed by Dave the Cobbler.
Yup.  Basically the vibram from pinholes forward crumbled off completely after around two seasons (+/- 40 days) use.  And I don't think it was user error or other equipment issues - these were used exclusively in 7tm bindings, never 3-pins, so there was no pinhole wear or misalignment.
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Re: Need a Boot Cobbler for 3-Pin Vibram Leather Boots

ts01 wrote
 Basically the vibram from pinholes forward crumbled off completely after around two seasons (+/- 40 days) use.  And I don't think it was user error or other equipment issues - these were used exclusively in 7tm bindings, never 3-pins, so there was no pinhole wear or misalignment.
That precisely describes what happened to me.  Even the 40 days. (I think there is a pic of it somewhere in this forum).  I asked because when I spoke to Dave on the phone, he didn't seem the slightest bit surprised by what he was seeing.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Need a Boot Cobbler for 3-Pin Vibram Leather Boots

Harvey44 wrote
ts01 wrote
 Basically the vibram from pinholes forward crumbled off completely after around two seasons (+/- 40 days) use.  And I don't think it was user error or other equipment issues - these were used exclusively in 7tm bindings, never 3-pins, so there was no pinhole wear or misalignment.
That precisely describes what happened to me.  Even the 40 days. (I think there is a pic of it somewhere in this forum).  I asked because when I spoke to Dave on the phone, he didn't seem the slightest bit surprised by what he was seeing.
With a new sole though it looks like a brand new boot - the shell is in great condition and Intution liners rule, so it seemed well worth the expense of replacement sole and shipping.