Need a Woodstove Guy in So Adk

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Need a Woodstove Guy in So Adk

Need the seals done on our stove. REALLY need it.

Can't seem to get the one guy that everyone recommends in North Creek to show up or return my calls.

Anybody got a good guy in or near the Crick?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Need a Woodstove Guy in So Adk

Cant Cozy Cabin in Warrensburg do it for you? Or Saratoga Fireplace and Stove? Good Luck
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Re: Need a Woodstove Guy in So Adk

Not to close but there is a shop called Pine Lake Stoves in Caroga Lake, ny and it looks like they have another site in Gansevoort.
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Re: Need a Woodstove Guy in So Adk

K man
In reply to this post by lemarj
First Flame Fireplaces in queensbury.  518-798-2220
Avitar=Left Gully, Tuckerman Ravine
No Fat Chicks, Just Fat Skis
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Re: Need a Woodstove Guy in So Adk

Darkside Shaman
Just spoke with JB, I am going to give a ring tomorrow am and hopefully he will get up to your place this weekend.
Gotta go to know
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Re: Need a Woodstove Guy in So Adk

Cozy Cabin told me their guy comes from Hudson Falls and want $150 just for the trip.  (Bought the stove from them in 1997).

The JB thing sounds like a good solution, hope we can make that happen! Thanks Shaman.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp