New Hunter Glades on West... naming contest and news

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New Hunter Glades on West... naming contest and news

I heard about it about five minutes before the contest closed, didn't even get to fire off a suggestion. I thought we could take some of our own here.

The real question is, where are they cutting? My hope is off Purna, but I bet they are cutting somewhere else, unfortunately.

Anyone have a good suggestion after the fact?
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Re: New Hunter Glades on West... naming contest and news

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Re: New Hunter Glades on West... naming contest and news

In reply to this post by ml242
Can't believe I didn't come across this somehow.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: New Hunter Glades on West... naming contest and news

me too, what kind of contest only goes for an hour, totally unannounced?
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Re: New Hunter Glades on West... naming contest and news

ml242 wrote
me too, what kind of contest only goes for an hour, totally unannounced?
One that was fixed!  ;)
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Re: New Hunter Glades on West... naming contest and news

Benny Profane
Da Woods
funny like a clown
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Re: New Hunter Glades on West... naming contest and news

In reply to this post by ml242
ml242 wrote
me too, what kind of contest only goes for an hour, totally unannounced?
Looks like it was up on Facebook for about 3 hours.  I guess when you have 25000 fans that's all it takes.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: New Hunter Glades on West... naming contest and news

A cool thing about Hunter is... We DON'T NAME OUR GLADES!!!  

They are just sections of woods we ski...  
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Re: New Hunter Glades on West... naming contest and news

At Gore new glades are named by a noted local.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: New Hunter Glades on West... naming contest and news

In reply to this post by dmc_hunter
I hear that. I just hope we get enough snow this year to venture off trail - don't think I did any exploring in your part of the catskills last season. It'd be great to turn the page!
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Re: New Hunter Glades on West... naming contest and news

ml242 wrote
  I just hope we get enough snow this year to venture off trail -


two things I never got to do this year

never skied any woods

never skied back to my truck in the parking lot

we need BIG SNOW this year