New Lyme info

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New Lyme info

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Re: New Lyme info

Thanks for this.  Read every word.  Kind of afraid to show this to Zelda, she worries so much about it.
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Re: New Lyme info

Banned User
In reply to this post by skimore
That's a good read.
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Re: New Lyme info

In reply to this post by skimore
Helpful information. But quite scary. I've just finished my 21 day doxy cycle for Lyme. Feeling very fortunate I got the bullseye rash.
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Re: New Lyme info

Back in the 90s there was a immunization for Lyme which I got two of the three courses of.  I have no idea if it's effective or why they don't still offer it.
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Re: New Lyme info

Thanks Skimore. Buddy of mine contracted Lyme disease. Took the doctors a long time to come to that conclusion. He was bitten by tick while fishing years before contracting Lyme. It was a nasty situation.
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Re: New Lyme info

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
Back in the 90s there was a immunization for Lyme which I got two of the three courses of.  I have no idea if it's effective or why they don't still offer it.
Because the vaccine wasn't a required vaccine, it wasn't covered by the NVICP - a government program that pays legal fees for vaccine makers when sued from a tax that is levied from the sale of vaccines. As with many vaccines, any time a PT experienced a Health issue after vaccination it would be attributed to the vaccine and open up the manufacturer to liability (fairly or not).  The anti-vaccers went nuts and In the late 90's Lyme wasn't yet a widely spread or well diagnosed disease so the numbers of pt's wanting the vaccine didn't "pay" for manufacturer to re-apply for the license to manufacture.   Z- you're lucky you got the vaccine....would have been better if you had all 3courses.  CDC official response is that if you were vaccinated prior to 2002 you are no longer protected, but that's really because the vaccine was available for such a short window that the need for a "booster" was never able to be fully studied. You probably have a chance (my estimate ~40-50%)of still having protection and would likely at the very least get a blunted reaction instead of full out nasty Lyme disease.  I wish I had 2 courses in me....
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Re: New Lyme info

Adk Jeff
I probably average 2-3 ticks per year, sometimes attached and sometimes just crawling around on my skin.  Had symptoms last year (headaches, soreness, tiredness) and got tested even though I had not recently had a tick on me.  Turned out I had anaplasmosis (another tick-borne disease).  They treated it with antibiotics and my symptoms cleared up.  I always assumed I must have had a tick on me that I never found (like on my scalp), but the article linked above indicates anaplasmosis can be transmitted in as little 10-15 minutes, which makes sense in my case in retrospect.
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Re: New Lyme info

In reply to this post by JohnIrvingwrestles
thanks for the info on the vaccine

given the magnitude of this you would think there would be a market to get this back out there
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Re: New Lyme info

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Re: New Lyme info

The amount of ticks are multiplying exponentially.  Why we are not treating this more like ZIKA I have no idea.  I moved out of Albany 10 years ago and it was disgusting down there.  I was in the pine bush with my dog one day and literally I could see dozens of them crawling around on his back.  I almost puked.  Where I live now I have not had an experience with ticks but they get a lot of press around here lately that they are moving in. Disgusting little bug we need to eradicate.
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Re: New Lyme info

tjf1967 wrote
The amount of ticks are multiplying exponentially.  Why we are not treating this more like ZIKA I have no idea.  I moved out of Albany 10 years ago and it was disgusting down there.  I was in the pine bush with my dog one day and literally I could see dozens of them crawling around on his back.  I almost puked.  Where I live now I have not had an experience with ticks but they get a lot of press around here lately that they are moving in. Disgusting little bug we need to eradicate.
Agreed Lyme is a nasty nasty infection that's hard as hell to recognize & diagnose in time.  It often goes unnoticed without a rash and presents as arthritis or other non-specific symptoms. Doesn't usually get diagnosed until a bunch of other stuff gets ruled out. It's a bigger problem than most think with limitations on how to treat it effectively particularly if it's not treated quickly.  The vaccine would have been a really nice option.  I'm allergic to tetracycline so if I or others like me get it that means IV antibiotics & the inconvenience of hospitalization or infusion clinic visits that go along with that.
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Re: New Lyme info

In reply to this post by skimore
Is this a widely available supplement?

Does it have any other positive benefits or negative side effects?
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Re: New Lyme info

Gunny J
In reply to this post by skimore
  I have 3 battles with tick in my lifetime, Lyme disease in Hunting season 1996,was treated felt week for about 6 months. Few years ago had a wood tick attach itself to the back of my head in my yard while changing oil  in yard. I still have lump on the back of my neck. Last Summer after hiking felt a tick crawling in my shirt ,wife took it off ,found another dug in next to my  Lat muscle. Got that one out and  lymph node  under the arm swelled up like crazy . Treated last two bites with antibiotics and things were ok.
  Still suffer affects of deer tick from 96 ,arthritis  in knee wrist and elbow. Treatment back then was 3 horse sized pills for 15 days. Liver did not take that well and ended up sick with a liver sonogram and time off from work. Still not gonna let a tick keep me inside!
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Re: New Lyme info

I'm sure most know, but for anyone who doesn't know about permethrin. It's pretty damn good against ticks. It's not something you spray the day of either. Read the directions.
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