New Whiteface Glade

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New Whiteface Glade


Does this count against their terrain limit under the NY Constitution? I know that they're really close to it.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: New Whiteface Glade

Glades don't count
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Re: New Whiteface Glade

Yes. This glade was approved as part of the lookout pod ump approval in 2005. It will be a trail that ultimately will begin off Wilmington and connect through hoyts. It may eventually be cleared as a trail.  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: New Whiteface Glade

SJ, seems you are saying "Rand's" was (or still is) anticipated to start off the Wilmington trail, then cut under the lift and across Hoyt's to continue down to the Summit Quad?  Is that the case, and is it still in the cards?
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Re: New Whiteface Glade

Speaking of glades that "don't count", sometimes I wish WF was more like Gore.  At Gore some of the best trails (IMHO) are the lift lines that are classified as glades.  High Pines, Dark Side, Double Barrel.  WF has some lift lines I always wish would come into play.  Freeway, Lookout, bottom half of Summit Quad (would it be that hard to protect the power line?). I did share a lift ride with someone who is in the know about things WF who indicated he or she would love to get one of those in play, but it would "count".
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Re: New Whiteface Glade

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
The plan that was shared a few years ago at an employee orientation had the last trail parallel to the lookout lift on the other side of Hoyt's in the little valley.  It would hold snow really well and be protected from the wind.
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