New to AT, Looking for meet-up/tag-along in LP

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New to AT, Looking for meet-up/tag-along in LP

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So I finally pieced together my first AT setup, after tracking deals and waiting for sales between end of last season and over the summer/fall.

Longtime Whiteface skier, but don't have much experience with the touring options in the area.  Have heard/read/talked to ppl about some things, but outside of hiking in the area in non-winter months, I don't really know where to start.

Of course there's the toll rd. and uphill at WF.  I'll probably mess around there to get used to the equipment and the process.

Heard of some trails out near ADK Loj area, Wright Peak ski trail etc. But my only experience out that way has been a leisurely snowshoe up Mt. Jo.  Obviously not going to be doing any slide skiing at this point.

Anyways...I'm looking to meet up with any groups this season going for a tour originating out of the Lake Placid area who would be willing to let me tag along and learn the ins and outs.

Gear wise, I'll be on a G3 ski/kingpin/BD Quadrant

Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: New to AT, Looking for meet-up/tag-along in LP

ADmiKe wrote
Obviously not going to be doing any slide skiing at this point.

Obviously?  Why?

You are a strong skier, and you have a setup more than capable of alpine why wouldn't you be considering any slide skiing yet?

Sure, I get it, you want to get comfortable on the gear.  However, for a fit guy who is a strong skier.....the learning curve is pretty steep.  If you can get out with somebody who knows the terrain I think you will be capable of much more than you think, much sooner than you think.  I can speak to that from personal experience.  My first day ever of backcountry touring and skiing had me kick turning up established skin tracks on 30 to 35 degree slopes to access 40 degree chutes.  

I was actually thinking of starting a similar thread, see if ADK backcountry conditions aren't getting to the point where we can plan a meetup if anyone is interested in some company on a tour and slide descent!
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Re: New to AT, Looking for meet-up/tag-along in LP

I should have clarified a bit more...not worried about my skiing ability at all, as I very much consider myself an expert skier, more of a probably not the best idea to go straight for the terrain that can get you in some trouble before learning the basics kinda thing.

I don't have a beacon etc. yet, so not looking to be "that guy" from downstate who thinks he can show up and head straight out for the big stuff with no experience, then be the asshole who's out there without the proper gear or knowledge of the surrounding zone.

Would definitely be interested in a meet up thread....whether It be in or out of bounds.  I think we've actually bumped into each other at the top of the Lookout chair once JTG, correct?  Couple years go, I think you were with your family.

Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: New to AT, Looking for meet-up/tag-along in LP

In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
Congrats on your setup btw.  Good choice to go with the tech binding right away.  I just pulled the trigger on a pair of Dynafit Radical FTs after using Marker Barons for the last year.  I'm sure I'd have been happy on the Tech bindings from the get go.  I went with the BD Factor MX because they have swappable sole blocks, which allows me to use them with my Alpine gear, and facilitated the Barons.  However, I'm excited to get out on the Dynafits and see how different the touring feels without lifting the frame and heel on EVERY step!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: New to AT, Looking for meet-up/tag-along in LP

Awesome - sounds like a nice setup.  I think my next move after my boots wear out, is to get something with tech toe and swappable soles so I can jump between skis on the same day easier.

Will you be up in Lake Placid skiing at all next week?  I'm planning to have my touring rig with me and I'll be there all week
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: New to AT, Looking for meet-up/tag-along in LP

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In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
I hear you, Mike.  You definitely want to outfit with beacon/shovel/probe and knowledge to use before you get into steeper descents.  Your touring and climbing efficiency won't be that great the first time out, but if someone knowing that doesn't mind taking you out they won't mind, so you wouldn't be "that guy"!  You will pick it up quick I'm certain.  

Kind of like me with the Barons, learn from my experience with the transceiver.  Something like the Pieps Freeride is tempting, and can be a good purchase.  I got one of those years ago to satisfy Silver status in the Slides.  The Freeride is a relatively inexpensive and small beacon.  However, as a single antennae unit it really isn't suitable for true avy terrain.  Sure, someone can find you if you get buried....but the search capabilities aren't that great if you need to find someone else.  Pick up a decent 3 antennae unit.  It will cost more, but will serve you (and your backcountry partners) better.  I picked up the Ortovox 3+ this season.  In a pinch that means I've got a spare beacon (and shovel/probe) if that helps any future meet ups.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: New to AT, Looking for meet-up/tag-along in LP

In reply to this post by ADmiKe
ADmiKe wrote
Will you be up in Lake Placid skiing at all next week?  I'm planning to have my touring rig with me and I'll be there all week
I wish!  Work, and then Chatham for First Night, so no skiing.  Have a great week though!

Definitely hope to meet up with you and others as I'm stoked to play in the ADKs.  Wright is on my short list to hit up Angel Slides!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: New to AT, Looking for meet-up/tag-along in LP

I am going to get started at WF...will be hiking up on Thursday for the second time this season...I hope to make it to the top of the Gondi.....lIke you, I would also like to expand to the other mountain...but I want to get a little more comfortable going up first, I put Marker Kingpins on a pair of K2s' that are about 110 under foot.

Sean....aka Grillman
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Re: New to AT, Looking for meet-up/tag-along in LP

In reply to this post by ADmiKe
You will enjoy this new experience. Take you rig and ski some lift served to get a feel for it. I have several Dynafit rigs (Boots & Bindings), the ski well in the soft stuff are very different on hard pack, but you need to figure that out so you know the limitations of your gear. There are several slides which are not intimidating, some where the run out is like a gentle blue or green trail but the further you go up, the steeper they get - you can pick your starting point. However, with any of these - don't go until Avi season is past, even the low angle portion of the slides as these could be supporting the steeper sections of the snow pack. There is a lot to work on going into the Loj as well as into the garden. You can also get a guide. Probably a real good way to go at first. I know the Whiteface ski patrol will conduct an Avi course in the spring every other year it's level 1 and alternate years level 2. I think the Mountaineer has one as well. I took mine at Tuckermans and refreshed it at Smuggs a few years back. Pick up Goodmans book on back country skiing in the east, that will give you some good ideas and places to go.

But you are facing what I see as the biggest challenge in back country skiing, finding the time and finding a partner with the same free times as you.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: New to AT, Looking for meet-up/tag-along in LP

Grillman - I may be shooting for Thursday morning as well.  If so, maybe I'll see you up there.

PeeTex - yes TIME is my major issue when it comes to skiing.  Living a 7-4:30 desk job in the flatlands, luckily I have a pretty flexible vacation time use policy (last minute is fine) and get all the holidays off as well as every other Friday by working a compressed work dad, who's also my main ski partner, has the same AT rig as me (he's also new to it, we purchased together so we'd have reliable partner to go).  However, he lacks any AT knowledge, so we're in this on the same level right now.
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: New to AT, Looking for meet-up/tag-along in LP

I'm kinda in the same boat as you Mike. I have a desire to break free of the resorts but lack the experience/posse. I did opt for AT bindings on my new skis but , this year, I'm probably not gonna do more then a little in-bounds uphill to work on my technique/fitness and maybe explore some close-to-the-road spots I'm familiar with from summer explorations. Might have to save serious BC for my mid-life crisis. Still, it's exciting to try new things.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: New to AT, Looking for meet-up/tag-along in LP

Just cut my new skins tonight(first time doing that).  It was a I'll have mt AT rig w/ me this week.  Hope to get out there, even if it's just uphill at Whiteface early am.

Anyone been out on the toll rd?  Is it skiable?
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: New to AT, Looking for meet-up/tag-along in LP

Heading up to Ridin Hy in Warrensburg this Wednesday till New Years. Bringing my AT set up to fool around with. Hopefully some more snow will fall and I can find some hill to practice on. Bought the set up last year but as it turned out there wasn't much snow to try it out on. Worse comes to worse I'll end up at Gore.
"No Falls=No Bslls
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Re: New to AT, Looking for meet-up/tag-along in LP

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make sure you pick up your Uphill Pass before going up WF.  25 bucks or free if you have a season pass.  read the form careful and abide by the simple

Wear a light
Stay on left side of trail always.  Snowmobiles will always go up/down on climbers right.  So stay on left side of trail.
Keep to the route - boreen, upper valley, summit express, lower nway, excelsior (paron's to follys for summit climb)
Do Not Ever ski down a trail that is being winch groomed.  Big, Big NO NO
I ride with Crazy Horse!