Ninja Turtles to Film at Big Tupper

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Ninja Turtles to Film at Big Tupper

Most of the movie will be shot in NYC, but parts of it will be brought up to Big Tupper.
Good to see a bit of revenue brought into the place.
But, where do I try out to be a stunt double?
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Re: Ninja Turtles to Film at Big Tupper

outlaw 1
come on tb post some pics of your out west adventures,,we can take it.
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Re: Ninja Turtles to Film at Big Tupper

I was really hoping 64ER and the rest of the crew was going to come back to Alta Yesterday so I can get some pics. Today would have been even better...

Camera is hardly on me, I'll try to get some shots tomorrow, though.
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Re: Ninja Turtles to Film at Big Tupper

In reply to this post by outlaw 1
outlaw 1 wrote
come on tb post some pics of your out west adventures,,we can take it.
Totally agree.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Ninja Turtles to Film at Big Tupper

Didn't get out today.
Going for a tour to prow and hopefully Wednesday.
Camera will be with tomorrow, depending on how far we're going.
Probably just a phone wednesday