2 days in a row the Straightbrook Quad has not run. When I inquired yesterday, I was told it’s just an operational decision. A new and unprecedented approach to mid week skiing. Since the summit sucked over the weekend, it might make sense. On the other hand, based on the light snow at lower elevation, it seems as if there might be more snow up top. I’m wondering if there’s a serious issue.
I Think, Therefore I Ski
Banned User
Don't know. It is curious that Straightbrook is closed, a very rare occurence.
Was surprised BR was open yesterday given the light crowd. There was NOOOOOOObody over there. |
In reply to this post by adkskier
I believe there's nothing wrong with the SB quad.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
You are all correct, it is not a mechanical issue. It seems as though this is the new "norm". With the lack of snow comes the lack of $$, so it's time to make your fun gang
Gotta go to know
This, I think, is two weeks in a row which creates a positive feedback loop. Weekday skiers stop showing up on Monday or Tuesday because Straightbrook is closed. Then another lift gets closed and fewer paying customers show up. After a few years it gets like Pico where they close the whole mountain for two days. I think they should charge less if they are going to offer less.
Last Friday Stratton made the decision to close the whole upper mountain but at least they reduced prices to $29.00. tom |
This post was updated on .
This kind of thinking hasn't escaped anyone at Gore or ORDA. This is a pretty unusual year to date. I have no idea how much skier visits and/or revenue are down. But if you were running the mountain and projected revenue was not going to be met, what would you do to reduce expenses? Choices are lift ops, grooming, snowmaking, what else? (sincere question).I think it's fair to say that loosing a lot of money isn't an option. Gore's not the only mountain in a tough spot this year for sure. But they are one of the few that have to answer to taxpayers. Privately owned hills may have more flexibility to look at the long term picture.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Actually, I'll take the opposite view. IMO private hills are more constrained to produce cash flow and profits short term. I think one of the real positive aspects of ORDA/NYS ownership is the ability to take a longer view and look at the bigger picture. In fact taking the broader view of economic impact is part of ORDA's mission. |
The problem I see is that some of the private mountains in VT are doing a better job and therefore will be drawing additional skiers. It's even worse because Gore does not advertise planned operations. So if you live in Albany and want to blow off a day of work do you cross your fingers and head to Gore or head to Okemo or Kmart? If Gore charged a lower price for reduced operations, they might actually get more business. I would guess that a lot of people would be really happy skiing the lower mountain on a weekday for $40.00.
Snowmaking cannot be cut. That would impact the weekend as well as weekdays. Tough to cut grooming when we've seen so much rain. Rather then closing straightbrook for the whole day, how about running topridge for the morning and then straightbrook in the afternoon? That would give skiers access to the whole mountain while keeping the costs down. Just a thought. tom |
Reliable sources have confirmed that it's just an operational decision. The summit has, basically, sucked the last two weekends while Burnt Ridge has offered the best on the mountain. For those in the know, it was probably a good move. Sadly, a few ill informed may have been put off by lack of access to the glare ice on the summit.
I Think, Therefore I Ski
Banned User
In reply to this post by TomCat
I've been wondering how long mtns can get away with charging full prices when the conditions are this way and so many trails are closed. Like TC mentioned, it becomes a cycle. Full price and half the trails open at some point will equal less customers. Many of us are just glad to get out on the hill, myself included. But then again, I'm not buying day tickets, lodging, etc for a family. |
This just in. Hickory still hasn't opened. (damn you, Groupon)
funny like a clown