ORDA's favorite mountain, Whiteface or Gore?

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ORDA's favorite mountain, Whiteface or Gore?

Sometimes it seems that ORDA favors Whiteface over Gore or vice versa.  I could make an argument for both.  What does everyone else think?
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: ORDA's favorite mountain, Whiteface or Gore?

please don't go there. i won't be able to stand another round of this.
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Re: ORDA's favorite mountain, Whiteface or Gore?

What do I think???

I think it's gonnaB 50 and sunny sunday, the A18 Gang is gonna own GP ---- that's what i think --- who cares about ORDA this, or ORDA that, go skiing!!!!
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Re: ORDA's favorite mountain, Whiteface or Gore?

In reply to this post by snoloco

Actually in the first years 1981-1983 it was definitely Whiteface. After that, not sure.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: ORDA's favorite mountain, Whiteface or Gore?

In reply to this post by frk
frk wrote
please don't go there. i won't be able to stand another round of this.
What's the problem. People on this forum don't have strong opinions about Gore vs. Whiteface
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: ORDA's favorite mountain, Whiteface or Gore?

In reply to this post by frk
frk wrote
please don't go there. i won't be able to stand another round of this.
I agree we have slayed this many times.  The battle royal last fall was entertaining.  This is best left for some time when there is no snow to ski on.

Campy is right - leave this alone and go ski!
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time