Plattekill $15 days Jan 30, 31 & Feb. 1 (Attn Cornhead)

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Plattekill $15 days Jan 30, 31 & Feb. 1 (Attn Cornhead)

Big D
This post was updated on .
Hey Cornhead: Saw this on the website under discount days - $15 lift tickets on

"January 30, 31 & February 1, 2013 ALL SKIERS AND RIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

However that is on Wed., Thurs., and Fri.

Also the seasons passholders day from other area's is on Sat. March 23rd:

"Season Passholder Day - FREE lift ticket with a season pass from any other mtn!"
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Re: Plattekill $15 days Jan 30, 31 & Feb. 1 (Attn Cornhead)

Big D - kinda cool that somebody noticed that I move the "Attn" threads to the OT.

Anyway this is news and belongs in the woodstove, I moved it and did a minor mod on the title.

Cornhead please post in this thread to help justify the heavy moderation.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Plattekill $15 days Jan 30, 31 & Feb. 1 (Attn Cornhead)

Harvey44 wrote
Cornhead please post in this thread to help justify the heavy moderation.

I laughed
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Re: Plattekill $15 days Jan 30, 31 & Feb. 1 (Attn Cornhead)

In reply to this post by Big D
I think I feel my first day at Plattekill coming on.
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Re: Plattekill $15 days Jan 30, 31 & Feb. 1 (Attn Cornhead)

DackerDan wrote
I think I feel my first day at Plattekill coming on.

I've been diggin the ride between Plattekill and Gore - Rt 30 all the way.  It was so cool Saturday evening coming out of the Catskills sunshine and seeing the clouds over the Daks.

I guess Danielle saw this thread, and she said thank you for posting D.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Plattekill $15 days Jan 30, 31 & Feb. 1 (Attn Cornhead)

Harvey44 wrote
DackerDan wrote
I think I feel my first day at Plattekill coming on.

I've been diggin the ride between Plattekill and Gore - Rt 30 all the way.  It was so cool Saturday evening coming out of the Catskills sunshine and seeing the clouds over the Daks.

I guess Danielle saw this thread, and she said thank you for posting D.
  30 is pretty scenic the other direction too, and fun to drive, if you're lucky enough not to get stuck behind someone going around the reservoir. Thanks for the heads up D, Scotty beat you to the punch, or atleast I happened to go on AZ first. It is a possibility, I do have a bunch of time to burn.

  I see season pass holder went from a whole weekend to a single day. I doesn't matter to me, I've only stayed overnight once skiing the Cats, so I'd only do one anyway.
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Re: Plattekill $15 days Jan 30, 31 & Feb. 1 (Attn Cornhead)

MC2 5678F589
Anyone thinking of heading there on that Wednesday? I'd definitely be in if I had some skiing partners . . .
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Re: Plattekill $15 days Jan 30, 31 & Feb. 1 (Attn Cornhead)

Big D
mattchuck2 wrote
Anyone thinking of heading there on that Wednesday? I'd definitely be in if I had some skiing partners . . .
Looks like Cornhead and I are going to be there on Friday, Feb. 1.
We are coming down from the Binghamton, NY area.
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Re: Plattekill $15 days Jan 30, 31 & Feb. 1 (Attn Cornhead)

Friday is wide open in my calendar at work. I'll plan on that. Maybe a meetup is in order. It looks like it is a 1.5 hr drive from my house. I'll just need to remember to bring my skis/boots from Gore.