Plattekill Mountain, NY: 12/31/12

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Plattekill Mountain, NY: 12/31/12

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After a quick 2 hour ride up from NJ we approached the cloud shrouded Plattekill.

When we actually got to the base the whole mountain was visible. The trees on the top half were coated with snow. We noticed that the snowmaking guns were running on Northface. The light was flat.

Our first ride was the triple. We took a quick tour on the green Powder Puff. The entire run was beautiful packed powder. This turned out to be a theme for the day. Our next run was on the blue Sundown to Shredded Mozzarella. This was another packed powder run with wall to wall hero snow.

The sun finally broke out around 11am so we could finally see the great conditions.
This is the view up Freefall. The snow was chopped up powder that skied well.

Bearpen Mountain in the distance....

The guns on Northface ran all day creating a silky smooth run.

Plattekill has created a new learning center with a handle tow at the very bottom of Freefall. It is a great spot as it is near the traffic pattern to get on both chairlifts. It great for keeping an eye on progress of a new slider while continuing to ski.

It was warm and windless on the triple side. We can see how uncrowded the slopes are at Plattekill.

Blockbuster was covered with small powder moguls down the middle and chopped powder on the sides.

The trees off Ridge Run still had loads of powder to be found. Ridge Run was another packed powder treat.

Looking down the steep Freefall.

The sun goes behind the mountain early in December. The trails (L to R) Northface with snowmaking guns, Plunge with the double, and Freefall. While the chair lift shows many sliders, the trails are virtually empty.

We skied from 9-3:45 and skied right onto the chairlifts all day. The snow was excellent on all trails. Plattekill remains an uncrowded weekend gem with wonderful terrain in the Catskills.

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Re: Plattekill Mountain, NY: 12/31/12

Looks beautiful.

x10003q wrote
Bearpen Mtn in the distance.
No Catskills TR is complete without it. ^^
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Re: Plattekill Mountain, NY: 12/31/12

Nice TR, I was there yesterday, conditions were similar. I think Sunday was the day to be there. I skied bell to bell, and waited behind four people on the double once, it was ski on all of my other runs, gotta love it.  Hey Harv, I got to lodge around 8:00 and was hanging around waiting for the 8:45 opening. There was a guy in the lodge giving the hill crew their marching orders. I asked him if he was Lazlo, yep. I mentioned being there for St. Platty's Day, and what a great time I had. I also mentioned Harvey Road, and told him you were quite the ambassador for Plattekill.
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Re: Plattekill Mountain, NY: 12/31/12

Man some mountains are just so photogenic.  I'm thinking Whiteface, Hickory, and Plattekill might be at the top of that list.  Great looking report.  And with Bearpen, as always... in the distance.

Anyone want to hit Platty with me on Sunday?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Plattekill Mountain, NY: 12/31/12

Will be there all wknd. as always. Would be happy to take some turns on Sunday.
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Re: Plattekill Mountain, NY: 12/31/12

Nice pictures! The pitch looks very nice there. They need to keep thinning out those glades, looks like endless opportunity for upgrades. Can't wait to get down there eventually. Don't think it will be this season, though.
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Re: Plattekill Mountain, NY: 12/31/12

They have cheap lift tickets deals through , potter brothers flex days, last weekend of.January cheap daily lift tickets, and most.Fridays first 100 visitors $ 15 I believe.
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Re: Plattekill Mountain, NY: 12/31/12

I went on New years day. No sleep the night before and dying car so I got their latter then planned and missed skiing with some sorry about that. Skiied at 10 took the triple and skiied some nice blue runs about three times. In less then 20 mintues,I love that about Platty so quick, went got coffee, then skied the one black to the left of the double, grooming was ackward so I stayed on the natural trails which were all nice packed powder, some tress stems sticking out not to bad. went and did some more trails, Blockbuster was all natrural and not ideal for me. Got more coffee and lunch went back out and coffee woke me up looked at the glades or were I think but being my self I did not go in. Snow was falling all day got to love Platty lake effect. windy and by 2 I was very tired and having to drive an old Honda Accord without snowtires so I left which was smart because I was really tired. 3 day out this year but best one yet because i was at Platty. I love looking the new pond which is bigger the Salt Lake City lake lol no but it is huge.
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Re: Plattekill Mountain, NY: 12/31/12

The new "pond"

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Re: Plattekill Mountain, NY: 12/31/12

In reply to this post by denvervega
Hey denver ... looks like your avatar is from the Blockbuster bump contest? I'm probably in that pic with my bum leg.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp