Plattekill, NY: 2/28/15

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Plattekill, NY: 2/28/15

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Ski Day 27:  This day will be among the most memorable for me this season.  

When I kissed my lovely wife goodbye at 4:30am, she said... "you skiing alone?"

Well, yes and no.  I had no plans to actually drive with or meet anyone, but ... I am going to Plattekill on a day when everything was in play. Somebody had to be there right?

So, no secret I've got those gaudi skis.  They open me up to a lot of shit, but they also, at times, open doors...

I was waiting for the lift to start spinning.

Patrol steps around the "lift closed" rope, looks at my boards and says... "wanna come?"

Damn straight I do.

Perfect cord, beautiful cold morning, with this light flakey stuff falling out of a cloudless sky.

I took my time looking around and then finally ripped my way down Face and got into line waiting for the lift to open for realz.

After a couple laps I ran into my main man Chris the Plattekill Warrior at the top of the double and a few of his buds.

It wasn't hard to convince me to head into Spiderman country...

Three Amigos

There is so much skiing out there right now because it is so deep.  We need to recruit more lopperheads in the fall so we can ski it all when there is less snow...




When we got back to the resort, my phone rang... it was James. He and Jason drove past Belle to come out too.



IMO mountain was groomed/ungroomed to perfection.  Bumps on Plunge were just fantastic. Love the 50/50 split.


I was thinking about calling it a day, standing there staring at the double... bending down to undo my bindings when Cip calls me out...

Back up for more.


 Skied until 3:45, in for beers and headed home. Sweet.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/28/15

nice. i can't get over the conditions and how good they still are. had a similar time last weekend at hickory. my son would not get out of bed. never skied a run alone, the patrollers and locals took me all over. great time
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/28/15

Well if that isn't some serious beautiful New York skiing than I don't know what is! Super RAD HR! Thanks for that.
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/28/15

In reply to this post by Harvey
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/28/15

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Thanks for the great trip report and all the support. that what you call them?  Funny.
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/28/15

In reply to this post by Harvey

Seen Plattekill from Belle; haven't visited yet.  Your TR it most enticing, lot's of Winter left.

Ski you on the hill.

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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/28/15

I’m sure that it was even brisker in the Adirondacks, but to clarify Harv’s “beautiful cold morning” comment, it was -8 turning into the Plattekill access road at 8:30. Didn’t bother me because I was suitably equipped with a face gator. Jason, on the other hand, has gone on record that he’d rather have his face freeze off than wear a “wet suit,” and that’s exactly what happened. I had to listen to his bellyaching all morning.

Very fun day with really soft snow on the natural trails; Harv's pix speak for the tree skiing; and from late morning on, there was a rockin' scene in the bar with that great beer selection.

Go figure -- below average YTD snowfall and well above average conditions.

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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/28/15

Jamesdeluxe wrote
 Jason, on the other hand, has gone on record that he’d rather have his face freeze off than wear a “wet suit,” and that’s exactly what happened. I had to listen to his bellyaching all morning
Jason's only complaint was his toes were cold!!!  Well exuseeeeeee me for having cold toes when it's bellow zero..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/28/15

Nice report! Was there that day with the wife and kids. Even though no woods exploration for me, conditions on the trails were so nice that I barely missed it.
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/28/15

Plattekill should be open 8 days a week and I should be able to ski 4 of them.
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/28/15

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In reply to this post by moguljunkie
moguljunkie wrote
 Even though no woods exploration for me, conditions on the trails were so nice that I barely missed it.
We must have lapped those rolling, natural snow trails Twist and Ridge Run a dozen times; they were like velvet:
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/28/15

Jamesdeluxe wrote
We must have lapped those rolling, natural snow trails Twist and Ridge Run a dozen times; they were like velvet:
I know I am a bit of a homer, but those runs are soft and delicious like that 8-9 days out of 10. It always is a wonder to me why people ski anywhere else in the Cats.
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/28/15

In reply to this post by 64ER
64ER wrote
Seen Plattekill from Belle; haven't visited yet.  Your TR it most enticing, lot's of Winter left.
Bud... Gore peeps would LOVE Plattekill. You should come.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp