Plattekill, NY: 2/5/12

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Plattekill, NY: 2/5/12

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Ski Day 15: I got up to Plattekill on Sunday, to ski and re-connect with one of my favorite places.

When I arrived, I looked out the window. I liked the view...

Then I got on the triple. At 9am this guy was getting untracked cord on Blockbuster...

... and I have to admit that Sundown also looked enticing...

...but it was the pull of the pixie dust, that drew me in...

...towards the gauntlet...

...which I lapped repeatedly.

This guy was working hard, alternating between adjusting snowguns, and ripping the bumps on his snowboard...

After 5 or 6 runs under the guns on Face, I tore myself away, to say hello to an old friend...

...we shared an inspiring view...

The cord down skiers left was in the sun, and I took full advantage.

After the schrapling of the cord I went back and did cranked out another 5 laps on Face.

Into the lodge....

...for an early lunch...

Breakfast of Champions

After lunch I connected with Laszlo for a few runs. He still rips.

He told me he wants to come over to the darkside: TELE.

We welcome him!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/5/12

Sick Bird Rider
Looks like another great ski day for Harv. Still blows my mind that there is so little natural snow down there.

That lunch pic is priceless. Way too healthy. Where's the poutine?
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/5/12

I haven't had a beer in the middle of a ski day in at least 8 years.  Zelda and I skied in Switzerland with cousins after we got married.  They had these huts serving great food and beer. I'd have two beers and then head out in the afternoon in my leather boots and try to keep up with my nieces in the bumps.  I remember seeing a tele-newbie with plastic boots and I thought... I gotta get me some of those!

Just never occurs to me to have a beer while skiing. Not sure why I got the urge at Plattekill. Was nice though.  Didn't hurt that conditions were primo.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/5/12


"Just never occurs to me to have a beer while skiing."

Proud to call Gore My Home Mountain
Covid stole what would have been my longest season ever!
I'll be back
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/5/12

I'm gonna there!  Lodge looks authentic!  

Brown all over though...  Same up here.  Well off the mtn is brown.
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/5/12

Adk Jeff
In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
Just never occurs to me to have a beer while skiing. Not sure why I got the urge at Plattekill. Was nice though.
It never occurs to ME to have a SALAD while skiing.  The urge to have a beer...  well that never entirely subsides.
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/5/12

Nice trip report. All the brown views are a bummer. It looks like the parking lot was changed in one of the pictures. Was the lot reconfigured?
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/5/12

x10003q wrote
It looks like the parking lot was changed in one of the pictures. Was the lot reconfigured?
It was. The parking lot is a work in progress.  Currently it's built from a very big pile of crushed stone. It's essentially doubling as a storage area.

I just spoke to Laz. That Hall Lift plate is from a surface lift he has in a barn. He made a large purchase of equipment from Cobleskill, but the deal was he had to take all of it. So he has this lift and apparently it's in great shape.

It would be so cool to use it for the lift to the true summit. It would be based near the word "lower" on the map...

Like the catskills version of the MRG single chair.  

Speculation: Laz is thinking bigger picture and would probably only pursue the land if he could get a good price on a chair lift.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/5/12

Should be a buyers market after this winter.

Picking the double off of Highmount would be pretty cool though, love the vintage look.

The skiing off the true summit is pretty good into that valley, ummm from what I've heard... you know.
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/5/12

In reply to this post by Harvey
is that surface lift a the pomas at Hickory?  would be bad!  Chairlift shmairlift
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/5/12

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In reply to this post by ml242
ml242 wrote
Should be a buyers market after this winter.

Picking the double off of Highmount would be pretty cool though, love the vintage look.

The skiing off the true summit is pretty good into that valley, ummm from what I've heard... you know.
i skied under the double at highmount last year in april, it was the last day at the belle and i decided to take a detour off of Deer Run, the double looks to be in good shape still got a lot of paint on it
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/5/12

In reply to this post by diamonddave
diamonddave wrote
is that surface lift a the pomas at Hickory?  would be bad!  Chairlift shmairlift
LOL. I guess you can ask Laz on Sunday.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Plattekill, NY: 2/5/12

Surface lifts wear me out. I'd prefer the chair.

Would be cool to ski from the summit there. Great terrain. I hope to get back there some time.