Ski Day 34: Some are starting to get tired of skiing, yearning for spring. I'm not tired of ski season one bit. Except maybe for those 4:30am Catskill alarms that remind me it's time to get up, post the weather on NYSB, make coffee and hit the road.

Blessed are the Bleary
But when I get to Meeker Hollow any tired crankiness slips away. Friday night I was thinking about a rare late start, but after skiing the surprise snow on Saturday, Marcski recommend being there for first chair.

Giant Slalom
The first chair call was a good one. My new boots are super supportive and brand new stiff and I carved out three laps on Plunge before it saw another track.

The groomers were excellent, but we couldn't help dipping into the bumps on Plunge and Block. First thing they were crunchy under the new snow but as the morning wore on they got softer. Crazy people that we are, this had us thinking... trees.

Catskill Freeheel eyes the trees
We dropped in and it was surprisingly good. You were barely penetrating the snow, but somehow it wasn't scratchy.

But in the end the snow was getting so soft out on the trails, that's where we spent our time.

John T on Freefall
After ignoring the triple all day in favor of the double side, Face became the place to be after about 2:30. It softened the most in the afternoon sun and we ripped. One last time. Or two. Or five.

Cream Cheese Inspector (More Cowbell!)
At days end we headed to the bar for music, merriment and beerz.

Jan soaks it up
As Dorothy once said "There's no place like home."
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp