Plattekill's Telefest March 7 2013

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Plattekill's Telefest March 7 2013


You know you always wanted to try it.

Plattekill Mountain Presents . . .

Plattekill's First Annual TELEFEST 2013

Thursday March 7th
Telemark Lift Ticket SPECIAL: ONLY $20
(Lift Ticket if Telemark Skiing)

Learn to Telemark Packages:  ONLY $75
(Lift Ticket, Rental, & One-Hour Lesson)

Demo's and Clinics also Available

Plattekill Mountain
Phone: 607-326-3500
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Plattekill's Telefest March 7 2013

Yes is that very hard? Looks like lots of fun.
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Re: Plattekill's Telefest March 7 2013

can you get the $20 lift ticket special even if you don't want to ski w/ half a binding?

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Plattekill's Telefest March 7 2013

It's going to be a great day over there.
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Re: Plattekill's Telefest March 7 2013

I'll be there . Anyone else.
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Re: Plattekill's Telefest March 7 2013

scottski63 wrote
I'll be there
How was the day? Some new snow?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Plattekill's Telefest March 7 2013

I'm really curious how this event was. Conditions were probably good, no? How was the turnout? I wish I could have made it.

Any pinheads skiing at Plattekill on Sunday? Thinking of heading up solo and would love to ski with someone.

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Re: Plattekill's Telefest March 7 2013

In reply to this post by Harvey
Telefest was a smash.  What an amazing bunch of skiers and beautiful conditions. Next year's will be bigger and better.  Plattekill is where to learn to Tele.  Alpine is for little kids and old ladies -  lose those safety heels and ski the real way
Click on Catskills Freeheel to visit my blog!  
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Re: Plattekill's Telefest March 7 2013

In reply to this post by ck1
I'll take a run or two with you Chris - come find me or ask them to radio me.  I'll be with my little boy, but should be able to take a few.  Jeff
Click on Catskills Freeheel to visit my blog!