Powder Day at Greek Peak

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Powder Day at Greek Peak

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Taking a break at Orion's,  skied from opening till 11. Probably 6-8" up top. Made my first two runs on the open side of Illiad, about ten laps on the closed half. Skied great, did inflict a little base damage, that's what they're for. Worth it, much more fun than the groomed side. I took a few pics, unable to attach them from my phone. I'll add them later. It's been snowing nonstop. Back out for a few more runs. Merry Christmas all.

Looking up Illiad

Looking down

A little bummed I gouged my base, but it was awesome, brought back memories of snowier days. I was tempted to poach Odyssey, probably would have skied about the same. The waterbars at the bottom may have sucked though.

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Re: Powder Day at Greek Peak

Big D
Hey CH, Really appreciate the report.
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Re: Powder Day at Greek Peak

In reply to this post by Cornhead
That's great news! We desperately need the snow!

I woulda been there, but I was skiing with Harv and friends today at Gore. I'll let him tell the story. Great day and snowed all day. Not real powdery, but very good conditions.