Powder Magazine

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Powder Magazine

Who reads Powder? What do people think of it?

I met a writer and photog at Plattekill the other day. Super nice people. Very dedicated to the work, wondering what the collective thinks of the product.  I never read it, but may do so now.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Powder Magazine

I don’t read a lot of skiing magazines but when I did/do.....I preferred Powder.  It never seemed as driven by advertising as Ski/Skiing did.
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Re: Powder Magazine

In reply to this post by Harvey
I guess I should give it a look. I used to get and always liked Skiing but when they shut it down and switched my subscription to Ski I lost interest. Though they looked the same they were editorially different I guess. My ski reading went digital at that point (with the exception of a few history books and biographies). I’ve heard nice things about Powder though.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Powder Magazine

I read it for the articles.  :).

Actually the photos are quite nice.

I've been a subscriber for years. (For a bunch of years they just sent it to me without even paying) It's the only one of the ski rags I can stomach to read.

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Re: Powder Magazine

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by Harvey
I subscribed off and on. Powder and Backcountry were the only good mags for a bit (Ski & Skiing were just ads, really).

Now my favorite is "The Ski Journal", but it's pricey.
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Re: Powder Magazine

I subscribe and read it.  Probably the best out there but doesn’t wow me.  Maybe cause the print is so dang small.   Cool pix but would like a middle of the road mag.  Not ski as I get it free next ten years somehow and other comment are right.  Too many ads.  

The perfect mag is Ski Canada.   I subscribe to this as a great balance in travel new equip and some ads.  Some national race team stuff each issue to.  And not all parks and rats making a mountain “the best” in a ranking each year driven by the advertisers
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Re: Powder Magazine

Benny Profane
Birthplace of the TGR community. The old Powder forum was swallowed up by TGR.
funny like a clown
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Re: Powder Magazine

Benny Profane wrote
Birthplace of the TGR community. The old Powder forum was swallowed up by TGR.
Have heard reference to that story many times, but never heard the specifics. Care to share?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Powder Magazine

In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
Concur.  Only ski mag ive read in years. Freeze though is still my fav
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Powder Magazine

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by Harvey
Well, they had a forum in the late 90s that was pretty irreverent and allowed people to say curse words, so, of course, I was attracted to it. Then, in about 2002, it dropped the forum and deleted its archives, the latter of which really pissed off a lot of people. Then somebody at TGR decided to "invite" all the old powdermag members over to their forum. It's not as though we were going over to, gulp, Epic. So, a dirtbag forum was born in 2003, better than ever. I have no clue who actually owns Powder these days, I think it's gone through a few publishers since then.

I haven't handled a Powder in years, not that I'm trying to avoid it, but, let's face it, print is dead. And that's coming from someone who worked for Time Inc. for 22 years, and is living off a pension from that ghost company. Sad to watch, but, so goes the March of technology. I've barely touched a newspaper, either, and that was a daily habit.
funny like a clown
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Re: Powder Magazine

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
Concur.  Only ski mag ive read in years. Freeze though is still my fav
I was so stoked when I saw the first issue of Freeze in 96 while living in Steamboat. That was the year I became all about grabbing my skis and every day was spent going from one air to the next. I concaved the shit out of the cores on my K2 ElCaminos that season. Those were some fun times. Freeze was also the first publication that ran a photo of myself skiing.
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Re: Powder Magazine

I think I still have my old copies of freeze.  Do u remember issue u were published?  I’ll take a photo to post if u dont still have the issue.  

Freeze was cool. 😎
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Powder Magazine

I have one. But if you have it feel free to post it up. I think it was the December 2000 issue. It’s in the article about Jackso opening the boundaries