Power Back After ...

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Power Back After ...

14 Days...so happy.
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Re: Power Back After ...

Benny Profane
7 days here.

32 days over the 4.5 years I've been living here. No lie. My wood guy put it best. A hundred years ago, most of this suburbia was farms, therefore cleared land, and a lot of the rest of the trees were fuel. Now we live in these places and consider trees decoration, and don't even have to burn them. Hell, we actually protect them from harm. Now that's coming back to bite us in the butt.
funny like a clown
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Re: Power Back After ...

In reply to this post by Goreskimom
We were incredibly lucky. Lost power for 15 hours and then 4 hours two days later.

I think the second outage was "on purpose" - taking it down to do some work. At least that was what we were told.

We were without internet at home for several days, but we had it at work (two blocks away) so that wasn't much of a hardship either.

We have neighbors within a few hundred feet of us who are still out.

GSM - how much time did you spend in North Creek? What did you do the rest of the time?  What did you do Benny?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Power Back After ...

I was in North Creek from 11/1-11/5.  We spent a few nights at an unheated house and a few nights with family locally.  We are about 85% back to normal but the devastation here is profound.  I am lucky my house is standing.  
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Re: Power Back After ...

Peter Minde
Power back after 7 days.  I count myself fortunate.  With town water and gas hot water heater, we were never without hot water.  And my kid learned how to start and use the antique Coleman stove.  Unbelievable that sections of Morristown NJ were without power for 13 - 15 days.

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Re: Power Back After ...

70s Gore Kid
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Syracuse, NY
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Re: Power Back After ...

camping at home was kinda fun in our house for awile but got old & a little stanky around day 5, thankfully the final day. on the fence about ponying up $700 that could be better used on ski days & gear
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Re: Power Back After ...

In reply to this post by 70s Gore Kid
We invested in a Kohler whole house generator last year after Irene knocked us out for 5 days.  Best investment we ever made. We were out for 9 days during Sandy, but the whole house was up and running.  It turns on and off automatically. All we had to do was check the oil once a day and add a little here and there.