RADX Plattekill Video

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RADX Plattekill Video

Thanks to Peter for finding this video.  It's a bit of a commercial for Plattekill, so of course, I love it.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: RADX Plattekill Video

where's the snow
Skied plattekill for the first time this season, loved it went back 5 times!
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Re: RADX Plattekill Video

Good find, Harvey.  Everything in that video is so true!!!

I'm having some Platty withdrawal today.  :(.  
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Re: RADX Plattekill Video

Peter Minde
In reply to this post by Harvey
Hey... I don't even ski alpine, and I was quite taken with this video!
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Re: RADX Plattekill Video

In reply to this post by Marcski
Platty is by far best day trip from metro area by far!  Continuous steeps, and the woods. Great skiers vibe. They could handle double the people with no impact on lines. I kinda forgot about platty for a couple of years going further north ,but I fell back in love and visited I think 6 times this season.  I'am even thinking of building a cabin near by.  Can't wait till next season,guess ill go back to surf kayaking and biking.
"No Falls=No Bslls