Report: ORDA could run Belleayre Ski Center

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Re: Report: ORDA could run Belleayre Ski Center

I am wholeheartedly agains ORDA running Belleayre for admittedly self serving reasons.  I ski at Gore and Whiteface exclusively.  I love these mountains and worry each year that they will receive less funding from NYS.  I want them to survive and prosper.  Adding another mountain to the mix, especially one that looses money, will put the others at risk.  

Whether or not Belleayre is a mountain worthy of ORDA control is not important.  There is no need to argue about Belleayre's merits as a ski destination.  It just doesn't make financial sense.    
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Re: Report: ORDA could run Belleayre Ski Center

ausable skier
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.