Resort snow total reporting

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Resort snow total reporting

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Since I check snow reports from Nov-April every day, and I'm sure others have noticed this as well, the season snow total reporting at places (WF and Gore mainly) seems to not be done too accurately.  Gore I've read plenty about how bad the website is, so I won't bother discussing that.  But Whiteface seems to have a pretty good updating frequency, yet not so accurate it seems.  They have reported annual snow total of 138" so far...and while this has not been the best year for snow with the slow start and bad early season just seems like they are hit or miss with keeping the updates accurate and adding the snow totals up accurately.  I feel like there are so many times when I read no new snow or 1" etc reported and then read reports on NYSB about "there had to be 6" up top, why is the website only saying 1" " etc.

On the other side of snow reporting, I'll use Stowe as an example, who has a dedicated person to check the measurement each morning, clean off the board, reset, etc...and they report every single inch, and add every singe inch to their season total. (this must be related to $108 lift tix!)

I start thinking, maybe with WF/Gore being state owned, vs Stowe private....does that make a big difference in how much they "care" about maintaining the snow terms of attracting business you would think you would want to keep on top of this (like Stowe does, or at least make sure it's accurate, especially when in favor of new snow).

I guess it's good for those of us who will be skiing it either way....

What you all think...under-reported?  Maybe their season total could be a little more accurate (and higher?)  
(not trying to start a NY vs VT snow debate - we know NoVT has been gettig a bunch of snow)
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Re: Resort snow total reporting

Good question and I've always wondered the same. Is it because it's too resource-intensive ($$) or maybe they don't want to publicize the real numbers (conspiracy theory)?

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Re: Resort snow total reporting

In reply to this post by ADmiKe
I check Gore's numbers myself and use boots on the ground when I am not. Gore's reporting is accurate, and not exaggerated. But it's hard to figure out. They use a 48-hour number and have no 24 hour number.  If it has snowed during the day the 48 hour number can stretch to 60 hours by 8:30 am on the second day. Gore's numbers are from the base.

Last year I actually did a side by side check with Emily at years end and we were pretty close.

I don't follow the Whiteface report as closely but from what I have seen I think annual totals are from the top of lifts.
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Re: Resort snow total reporting

Gore does not really embrace technology or social media. There snow condition page could use some work. The way they post snow totals drives me crazy. Would a little write up about the day ahead or conditions kill you. Cutting and pasting the weather forecast does not count as effort.  Using  facebook and twitter to post updates throughout the day would be nice. They could learn a thing or two from mnt snow or magic both of which do I good job of getting you psyched to ski and pissed you missed a powder day. When you have no bottom line you can be lazy.
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Re: Resort snow total reporting

In reply to this post by Harvey
I wonder if there is an actual reporting location at Whiteface, or if it's more of a "whenever someone who works there gets to somewhere up near the top they call down a guesstimate, if someone happens to even do it" type of scenerio, which is what it seems like sometimes, at least based on viewing the website.
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Re: Resort snow total reporting


Suggest pursuing your true interest of reinventing yourself as a meteorologist, relocate to LP/Wilmington,'re hired!

ADK<3's dad
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Re: Resort snow total reporting

In reply to this post by ADmiKe
there are two recording locations for snow at whiteface.  They do get checked from what I am told.  The numbers they report can be confusing but I don't think they are that far off.