Ruby Run: can it be improved?

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Ruby Run: can it be improved?

Please excuse me if this has been discussed already, but I have been wondering about the feasibility of removing the "hump" on Ruby run.  The excevated material could then be added to the curve of Ruby run and perhaps that curve could be straightened.  I think that this would make it much easier for children and non-advanced skiers to make it from the top of the Gondola to the saddle lodge without becoming frustrated.  
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Re: Ruby Run: can it be improved?

They should "bank" the turns like skier cross!
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Ruby Run: can it be improved?

warp daddy
Frankly i enjoy the mini hump at the top and the turns are fun BUT could be improved if BANKED on the apex of the curve . Frankly  i think this trail is very easy as it is currently layed out and fail to see the need to make it easier .
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Re: Ruby Run: can it be improved?

the dreaded Gore horizontal ...
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Re: Ruby Run: can it be improved?

warp daddy
;).carry speed and tuck it out and its np
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Ruby Run: can it be improved?

As they say Gore has the "Greatest Horizontal in the East"
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Re: Ruby Run: can it be improved?

I agree its not much of an issue for adult skiers, except during certain conditions (freshies), but think about kids.  They don't have the mass to achieve enough momentum and get stuck.  Snowboarders also don't do well on that stretch.  I'm just curious if there are any APA rules that prohibit reshaping these trails.  Reading about what Orville Slutsky did to reshape Hunter mountain got me thinking about this issue.
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Re: Ruby Run: can it be improved?

In reply to this post by evergreen
I always thought that hump on Ruby was stockpiled snow.  If it's a swale in the terrain it seems like it wouldn't be a big deal to level it, but it would still be (slightly) uphill to the saddle without considerable fill.

Since Ruby is completely fabricated (Hunter style) it would probably make sense to put some bank in that turn.

Other routes for Ruby have been suggested, but not sure how those would have worked. Obviously that's moot as it's a done deal.

I'm not a big fan of blasting.  But I guess most downhill oriented skiers would say Gore requires it. Biggest blasts are Foxlair and Ruby which is all about integrating Bear, so I get it.  Peaceful Valley has a blast and 46er. What else?  

Hey Hudsonhiker: Did they side step up the pitch on 46er back in the day?

IMO the best trails on the mountain are untouched by dynamite. Love Moxham, High Pines, Dark Side Liftline, Double Barrel, Headwaters etc.

I think there are some plans to level out Hedges to make access from the BRQ back to Twister easier which probably makes sense. It's already a road.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Ruby Run: can it be improved?

it might be cheaper to put in an old handle tow surface lift there than to reconture it if its not going to be successful.  Same goes for the flat spot over to the Burnt Ridge lift.

In Europe there would a farmer there with a horse to pull you across that flat spot for a buck.
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Re: Ruby Run: can it be improved?

In reply to this post by Harvey
46er was never a trail in the 60s it was just the T bar line you only skied down if you fell off the lift. The actual lift line was over to one side or another of the swale.
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Re: Ruby Run: can it be improved?

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
In Europe there would a farmer there with a horse to pull you across that flat spot for a buck.

I haven't been there for a few years, but, Powder Mountain, which is near Snowbasin east of Ogden, Ut., had a snowmobile lift. Very cool experience. Just a sled with a rope behind it and four big knots. "It's just like waterskiing" is what the dude told me the first time. "But, I've never waterskiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeddddddddddd..................."    bam.
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Re: Ruby Run: can it be improved?

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
it might be cheaper to put in an old handle tow surface lift there than to reconture it if its not going to be successful.  Same goes for the flat spot over to the Burnt Ridge lift.

In Europe there would a farmer there with a horse to pull you across that flat spot for a buck.
I think they would need to pay an attendant to man it in case of emergency.
We get a lot of complaints about the flat spot there, at Burnt ridge and on the summit getting over to Rumor or the climb to the top of Upper Stielhang or even the little hike to Little Dipper or Ward Hill.  I am sure these things might get dealt with over time but I think new lifts, lodge renovations, and snow making/grooming take priority.
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Re: Ruby Run: can it be improved?

If money wasn't any problem, I would improve ruby by building an overpass from the hairpin turn over lower cloud and into wood in. Easy to get to dark side from bear. I know it's not realistic, but this is the Internet.

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Re: Ruby Run: can it be improved?

bean valley
"I would improve ruby by building an overpass from the hairpin turn over lower cloud and into wood in"

Had a lot of folks try this on their own this year. Most ended-up on the rocks, shaken, and yes, stirred.  I like the idea though...  Seems to me there's a 'hidden glade' in there somewhere that does just aboot what you're proposing and dumps into the 'Chuck. Just a thought.
