Rumor avalanches

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Rumor avalanches

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One of my good friends just posted this on Facebook..

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Re: Rumor avalanches

MC2 5678F589
Wow, a troll all the way from Utah? High Pressure pattern got you pretty bored out there?
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Re: Rumor avalanches

avalanche or a chunk of hangfire from the headwall
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Re: Rumor avalanches

Did patrol make you have a beacon, probe and shovel to ski it?  

Sounds like Patrol maybe should not have been above where skiers are coming in to the trail if it was not open up there.  
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Rumor avalanches

In reply to this post by skimore
Sounds more like hangfire. It didn't break out from under them, came from above and took them out. Said they went for about a 50 ft ride, and the patrollers were stomping on it trying to get it to release. On an open trail. With people under them.

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Re: Rumor avalanches

Rumor at Gore, Avalanched? But the calendar isn't 4/1.
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Re: Rumor avalanches

In reply to this post by tBatt
tBatt wrote
Sounds more like hangfire. It didn't break out from under them, came from above and took them out. Said they went for about a 50 ft ride, and the patrollers were stomping on it trying to get it to release. On an open trail. With people under them.

 Good thing they don't give Gore Patrol explosives for Avy work
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time