SKi3 2017-2018 Pass Pricing

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SKi3 2017-2018 Pass Pricing

Whiteface has posted Pass pricing for the 2017-2018 Season:

They have added a new Ski3 Non-Holiday Pass and a 6 and Under Pass (which I believe is new). This aligns more closely with what was offered on the PEAK Pass. Im a little disappointed they still haven't created a Ski3 Midweek Pass.

It seems this year the first tier of pass pricing has had its deadline expanded to August which is nice.
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Re: SKi3 2017-2018 Pass Pricing

Thanks for the heads up.  I am thinking of doing the ski3 this year with belle has my home mountain.  I love the pricing for 20 somethings - without that I may not be able to afford it.  This past year I did the Peak Pass with Hunter as my home mountain since their pass for 7 mtns was $400 for 20 somethings.  It is great and I really like mount snow as an added bonus.  But belle feels more like home with less crowds and way more glades/adventure  
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Re: SKi3 2017-2018 Pass Pricing

They need to add the Perks for 2017-2018..still showing 2016-2017. Hopefully they continue on with the perk offerings.
"Feets fail me not"
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Re: SKi3 2017-2018 Pass Pricing

If I am over 60 but under 70 I can not buy a season pass? Who in that age bracket pissed them off?
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Re: SKi3 2017-2018 Pass Pricing

Has ORDA determined this is the decade that you go in for major repairs, to come back in your 70s stronger than ever?
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: SKi3 2017-2018 Pass Pricing

In reply to this post by Hoser
Hoser wrote
If I am over 60 but under 70 I can not buy a season pass? Who in that age bracket pissed them off?
ScottyHack did.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: SKi3 2017-2018 Pass Pricing

This post was updated on .
IMHO, those prices are a bargain.

That is a whole lot of skiing for the $$.

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Re: SKi3 2017-2018 Pass Pricing

Ethan Snow
Marcski wrote
IMHO, those prices are a bargain.

That is a while lot of skiing for the $$.
I agree they are good prices, but Peak Resorts still offers slightly better deals. A full adult pass is 800 Vs. 1k. however, I'd rather pay the money to ski Gore and WF since they are good mountains IMO. Keep in mind Peak pass does cover Mount Snow and Attitash/Wildcat which is awesome only difficult to get to for most normal people.
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day
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Re: SKi3 2017-2018 Pass Pricing

Ethan, according to the link posted, an unlimited ski3 pass for next year costs $759.
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Re: SKi3 2017-2018 Pass Pricing

Ethan Snow
You're right. I was referring to the pricing after November 1st.  

Also I think Whiteface should have the right to charge a bit more.

All aside, $759 IS a great price.
I'll take boilerplate ice over wet snow any day
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Re: SKi3 2017-2018 Pass Pricing

Belleayre added their listing for 2017-2018 Season passes

They have added a new for this year, Belleayre Only, Non-Holiday Season pass for $349.

Not bad, looks like thats what I will be getting now. I really wish ORDA would have filled the gap and put out a Ski3 Mid-week pass. I would have gladly stepped up.
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Re: SKi3 2017-2018 Pass Pricing

i'm really digging the belleayre only pass for 20 somethings.  Is it me of have prices been going down for season passes and up for day passes?