After this past winter, I'm sure they need some revenue! |
In reply to this post by nepa
How much snowmaking does Mission Ridge do?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
Could be his mom too. Or both. Or all three.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by Harvey
T2B on 66 acres (of 2000 total), covering runs off of chair 2 and 4. It's the largest snowmaking system in the state.
In reply to this post by Marcski
Stratton non holiday for $419 is a good deal. That's only a little more than a gore midweek pass.
tom |
Let's throw in the song Labrador plus 2 free okemo tickets, and half off united additional for 350, 2 small hills, but the best deal in cny
Plattekill is still better, but dealwise......
Black diamonds, the easy way down, less moving hazzards
Looks like the deadline for Gore/Whiteface full adult has been permanently moved back to August. That is very helpful for us. It used to be June.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
You only need to buy early (by April 24) if you want the Ski3 pass, which includes Belle for the same price as the Whiteface/Gore pass through August.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
In reply to this post by Harvey
Re upped w WF Non holiday for $459. hard to beat that. Wishfull thinking but it would be nice if they offered a few decent perks with it.
Think I'm going to upgrade from WF non-holiday to the Ski3. I know we will be skiing MLK weekend and during the Presidents holiday week, so it makes sense. $459 for the WF non-holiday is a great deal.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
Before Ski3 the regular Gore/WF deadline was June 22. I need the extra time and will deal with Belle on a case-by-case basis.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by Marcski
I wish ORDA would do a loyalty discount on renewals! |
In reply to this post by Harvey
I usually also need the extra time and don't see me skiing Bellayre ever, but I bought next year's Ski3 pass on 3/22 because I lost my pass on 3/20 and couldn't see paying $25 for a replacement. I'll buy my wife's pass in August.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Sponge, come to Belle next year when it's all in. There is some incredible sidecountry (some requires a car drop) with nearly 2000 vert of big tall hardwoods. By all accounts it's awesome. I still haven't done it yet. One of my few regrets this season as it was prime for 2 or 3 weeks. ![]()
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
This post was updated on .
You know they will replace a lost pass, right?
I agree with Harvey, there are some fun times to be had at Belleayre, especially the past two years, the snow has been incredible. I was lucky to ride through dreamcatcher this year when there was enough fresh snow to pick an untouched line through. I am in the opposite boat, I am considering buying a ski3 because I get a pass at Belleayre, but the kids are ready to step it up and we all know Belle like the back of our hand. I read the old Gore vs Whiteface no holds barred deathmatch thread a few days ago, and Gore sounds like a mountain my whole family could have fun at. My daughter likes blue cruisers, I love tree runs, and My son and I would probably enjoy Whiteface, although I don't think we enjoy steeps terribly, pref, and loves a challenge. I just don't have a base of operations up there, and have lots of places to stay in the Cats or can make a day trip of it if I get enough sleep the night before. I am thinking that if I get the SKI3 it will motivate me to get a little further upstate than I would normally venture. |
Gore charges $25 to replace a lost pass. I thought it wiser to put that $25 towards the pass I'm buying for next season anyway. I'm in North Creek, so Bellayre is 3 hours away. I'd like to try it, especially on those occasions they get more snow than up here, but that amount of travel time gets me to Stowe, MRG and almost all the way to Jay Peak.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
Sponge knows that I know this. I was kidding a little, but thought it would be fun to throw it out there. Gives me a warm feeling when Suds rippin bumps on Blockbuster, or I see SteveC on the double with his girl. You never know it could happen.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp