Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

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Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

MC2 5678F589
If you have never been in the trees at Gore before, you are missing out. Take a tour of all of our glade offerings and work on your tree skiing technique with our perfectly timed clinic this weekend. Peep the details:

It says it's for "advanced skiers, but we have a bunch of lower level glades that even an intermediate can handle.

Take advantage of the pow. Get in the trees!
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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

Benny Profane
Damn. When's the next time? When my knee is better, I'd love to spend a day in the trees doing that. Don't be shy about the next shameless plug.
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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

MC2 5678F589
Next one is March 9th and 10th. No guarantee we'll have the snow like we'll have tomorrow.
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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

mattchuck2 wrote
Next one is March 9th and 10th. No guarantee we'll have the snow like we'll have tomorrow.
Great offering and so well timed.  I wish I come come down to do it.  I picked up some great teaching pointers on skiing glades from the PSIA clinic I just did this week.

Matt - maybe I could come down on March 9 and tag along
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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

MC2 5678F589
Sure thing, Coach Z! There's definitely some fun stuff to show off. I've got a pretty good route in mind that will allow for tree skiing on every run, never hitting the same glade twice in a day (and that's just using the stuff on the map).

Hopefully we get a little more pow before March.
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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

Benny Profane
So, how'd it go? How many people showed up? What was the quality of skier? Pics?
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Re: Glades and Glory

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Almost forgot a big shout out to Matt Chuck for a great glades clinic on Saturday. I learned a bunch and now feel much more confident going into the trees. It may not be pretty or perfect but I have the tools to work on getting better.I know there was some debate here about lessons and people being happy as intermediates, etc. It doesn't matter who you are, a lesson can help you get a little better which in turn equals more enjoyment and being able to ski longer. It's all about having fun and getting some pointers makes it more fun no matter your level. It's 35 bucks for a 90 minute lesson. Well worth it when you consider it's a fraction of what you spend on equipment, lift tickets, lodging, etc.
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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Saw you guys in Tahawus Glades. Nice work.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Glades and Glory

In reply to this post by Danzilla
Danzilla wrote
Almost forgot a big shout out to Matt Chuck for a great glades clinic on Saturday. I learned a bunch and now feel much more confident going into the trees. It may not be pretty or perfect but I have the tools to work on getting better.I know there was some debate here about lessons and people being happy as intermediates, etc. It doesn't matter who you are, a lesson can help you get a little better which in turn equals more enjoyment and being able to ski longer. It's all about having fun and getting some pointers makes it more fun no matter your level. It's 35 bucks for a 90 minute lesson. Well worth it when you consider it's a fraction of what you spend on equipment, lift tickets, lodging, etc.
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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
That sounds cool.  Would it matter if I'm on telemark skis?  I would love to learn to ski the glades.  I don't have any confidence in that right now.  I am a solid upper intermediate skier.  I was thinking of going up to Gore March 2/3, but maybe I'll postpone to the following weekend if this works.  

Edit:  Actually, I see there's a telemark clinic that weekend.  I think that's probably more up my alley!
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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend


How many did you have sign up and pay for the trees clinic?

Not sure why we are not doing more of this type thing at Whiteface
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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

Benny Profane
How are the trees at Whiteface?
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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

Benny Profane wrote
How are the trees at Whiteface?

They're pretty tall
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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

You mean how do are they now or in general.  Its still pretty thin currently.  When they are open they are great.  Cloudsplitter Glades is really 4 different glades but shows as one on the map.  Sugar Valley are very long and tight at the top.
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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

I happened to hit The Sugar Valley Glades on a day where all the snow had blown in there. Knee deep over and over. Love the way it rolls too.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

Benny Profane
Seriously. I skied WF one day in my life. Is the tree skiing as good as Gore? How much in total area compared to Gore?
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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

The glades are no where near as good as Gores.  
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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

tjf1967 wrote
The glades are no where near as good as Gores.

BUT on that day, when I hit the perfect conditions, Sugar Valley was pretty amazing.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

Here's a short clip from the Glades clinic a few weeks ago.  There were 3 of us with MC.  He had a perfectly laid out plan to increase difficulty throughout the day and never hit one glade twice.  If you do one of these clinics you are assured to get better and have a great day on the hill.  If you are a snowboarder you can pretty much count on getting an all day private lesson.  Can't guarantee snow but I guarantee you'll get better.  

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Re: Shameless Plug: Glades & Glory clinic this weekend

Looks like this is being run again in March. Will you be teaching it again?
I would really like to sign up for that weekend but have some family in town.