Should I ski Whiteface tomorrow?

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Should I ski Whiteface tomorrow?

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Looking at November.
Looking at the forecast for Sunday.
Looking on how many days until December (without requiring a day off from work).
I tired.
I have a ton of stuff to go around the house.

Day trip Options:
Mont St-Sauveur = 2 runs (220m vert approx) + free ticket with my season pass to my local place. (drive time: 2:15)
Tremblant = more interesting terrain - more vert - more $$$ - more people. (drive time: 2:00)
Whiteface = (i need to check their website), but it won't be free (drive 3:00)
Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography
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Re: Should I ski Whiteface tomorrow?

MadPat.. this was all we got today for posted beta:

Sounds like it's a personal choice - is it more about the streak or are you hungry for some vert?

If you do want a bigger day how does available terrain compare Tremblant vs WF?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Should I ski Whiteface tomorrow?

Harvey44 wrote
If you do want a bigger day how does available terrain compare Tremblant vs WF?
I've seen some dawn patrol pics on FB. Looked nice (but not much base outside the open runs).

I presume that crowds would be bigger at Tremblant (which isn't really an option). Its more between a lazy couple hours of skiing at MSS for free and have a few hours to get stuff done around here or pay money for ticket and gas and drive 1 hour more each way.

It hard to say about the difference between Tremblant and WF tomorrow...all depends on the trails open. Tremblant would seem to have fairly flat summit greens open. 2 trail options, one on the south side and the another on the north. So nothing to write home about. The steeper, although shorter and less vert, skiing would be at MSS from what I gather right now.
Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography
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Re: Should I ski Whiteface tomorrow?

 took a couple runs yesterday to wake the legs up. Conditions were awesome. coverage was really good too. gondola down with wall to wall pretty much everywhere. great opening day!!!!!!
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Re: Should I ski Whiteface tomorrow?

I was there, here's a report It was fun, very Spring like.
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Re: Should I ski Whiteface tomorrow?

This post was updated on .
This weather is really sucking...

Camp Fortune opens on short green run (only local Ottawa open).
Tremblant has 2. MSS 2...WF (see above).

I opted for a freeski day at Mont St-Sauveur. I have a seasonpass at Edelweiss where my daughter races. Edelweiss was bought by MSSI Group and pass is honored at MSS when the hill isn't open.

Click link for TR:
Mont St-Sauveur : November 26, 2011 – Back to our roots and zits!!!

Now I got an email this week from the Edelweiss Ski Team...looks like Edelweiss won't open this weekend either, so the team is looking to go to MSS (2 hrs away) this weekend (we didn't go last week, youngest was playing a music concert). Still not sure I want to go.

Same options:

Tremblant = no way, limited terrain plus they are running the 24hr race.
MSS = same terrain
Even checked in Quebec City, Ste-Anne only has two runs.
WF: doesn't seem to have much open. One long run with a few variation, I didn't look at the specific runs.

Ski Mad World
A blog of MadPat's World: A History of Skiing Geography