I tried to upload some guys , i really did BUT this effin. IPAD

won't upload to this site for some friggen reason dammit !
great conditions , 25 runs all over the joint BUT had a damn scare on the 4th run . We're on Promise a steep quick headwall on the backside rippin like the ole bastids that we are

. Ten i dove over the headwall at my usuall balls to the wall mode and its high calf deep dense ,ungroomed stuff well i started to jump turn the shit any was doing fine till i LOST my patience said F it and let em run .
Well it was fugly , lost it got airborne spun out and whach my friggen head really GD hard , The helmet saved me it was a pretty intense hit , broke the goggle retainer on my Giro Streif and put a serious cut in the plastic in the back of the helmet .
My other friend the ex Dartmouth racer biffed hard too on his shoulder .
WE can be such assholes at time ,

if we had stayed with the jump turns instead of let em run we would have made it ..... No Jock like and OLD JOCK. , more balls than brains sometimes .

Im fine we skied like madmen for another 5 hrs before quitting.
its all good !! Srill got all my body parts and had a good day out there , and ? BTW you YOUNG guns will get your turn at OLD AGE CRAZY , just dont rush to get there , ....... And BTW learnhow to make jump turns and use em hahahahahaha
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.