Shu Maker Little Falls, NY

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Shu Maker Little Falls, NY

Does anyone have any current info on this closed hill, just south of the thruway near exit 29? I've been tempted to skin it & take a few laps, but thought I'd see if anyone had any firsthand knowledge.
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Re: Shu Maker Little Falls, NY

Here is an old thread from Snowjournal about Shu Maker.

I checked on the NYLSAP page and couldn't find anything. Jeremy?
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Re: Shu Maker Little Falls, NY

In reply to this post by Alschnier
Thx for the snow journal link.  I found this yesterday.  I think this may be the place...

I sent them an email, asking if it would be OK to skin up & ski down.  I'll report back if they respond.  

Lake effect may be decent this week, but won't likely add up here (one can hope).
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Re: Shu Maker Little Falls, NY

In reply to this post by Alschnier

While I don't know the property status now, I can share some images from 1994-1995:

Trail map:

1994-1995 Shumaker Map



As I always say for exploring lost areas...check trespassing issues first...and obey all signs, or seek permission.

Jeremy Davis Founder, New England / NorthEast Lost Ski Areas Project
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Re: Shu Maker Little Falls, NY

nelsap wrote
As I always say for exploring lost areas...check trespassing issues first...and obey all signs, or seek permission.
Yeah, don't be intentionally obtuse, like certain people!